CMS Seminar: Dr Jess Ericson

Event Date: 1 August, 2024
Start time: 3:00 pm

Title: Protect, connect, diversify and grow: Four pillars to support shellfish aquaculture in New Zealand and beyond

The Shellfish Aquaculture Research Platform (ShARP) is a multi-disciplinary research platform hosted by the Cawthron Institute. This talk will introduce the platform and the types of work we do across four themes: 1) protecting current shellfish industries (e.g. biofouling management, development of health tools, mitigating disease, climate change and environmental risk), 2) connecting industries, communities and scientists through research synergies, mātauranga māori, science outreach and collaboration, 3) diversifying to new species (expanding from current species into new species aquaculture) and 4) growing existing shellfish industries (e.g. through genetic improvement, hatcheries, farming efficiency). Some research highlights from the platform will be presented, and potential future collaborations with IMAS and CMS will be discussed.

Bio: Jess is a marine scientist at the Cawthron Institute in Nelson, New Zealand. She is also an IMAS alumni, finishing her PhD on Antarctic krill in 2019. Her current research focuses on the effects of climate change (e.g. ocean warming and acidification) on shellfish. She combines a range of physiological measurements from the whole animal to the cellular level to understand the complex responses of shellfish to environmental stress. A key objective of this research is to provide scientific solutions to real-world problems faced by coastal industries and communities. Jess also works in a knowledge broker capacity, facilitating the two-way exchange of information between scientists and end users. She works closely with the public (e.g. educators), government and marine farmers to support society with climate change adaptation and resilience.

Event Details
Thursday 1st August 2024
3:00 pm
Flexspace (IMAS Salamanca), and online
Team Details
University of TasmaniaInstitute of Marine and Antarctic StudiesCSIRO Department of the EnvironmentGEOS
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