
Seacreatures presents "Squid with Gretta Pecl" | Podcast Episode

CMS Director Prof Gretta Pecl recently sat down with CMS member Matt Testoni on the Seacreatures Podcast to talk about squid!

Episode 51: Squid with Gretta Pecl
In this episode Matt chats to squid and climate scientist Gretta Pecl all about the amazing world of squid! From their bizarre and various mating behaviours to why their skin and ink is so cool. If you love squid facts this is the episode for you!
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That's What I Call Science presents "When Art and Science Collide" | Podcast Episode

That's What I Call Science podcast co-hosts and CMS Members Emma Hamasaki and Olly Dove, speak to Sarah El idrissi about art and science.

Sarah El idrissi is an emerging artist with a passion to uncover the overlap between science and art. Her practice evolves as she dives deeper into the world of science as she completes her artist residency in nipaluna/Hobart.

 Listen here.

What it is like to attend a big UN Oceans meeting in person: an ECR perspective

By Peter Puskic
In June/July 2022 I had the opportunity to attend the United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) in Lisbon Portugal. My place there was supported by the Centre for Marine Socioecology and the Early Career Ocean Professional Programme (ECOP).
I have been engaged with the decade and the ECOP programme since 2019, so the opportunity to see the real thing in action was not to be missed! 

The following is a series of reflections on the conference; the good, the bad and hopefully, a guide to navigating a massive conference such as UNOC.
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ECOP Ocean Decade
Girls in Science podcast

SEIZE the YAY presents L’Oréal Girls in Science 2021 | Two-Part Special Edition Podcast

This is a two part special edition podcast of – Girls in Science – presented by Sarah Davidson’s Seize the Yay podcast.

Across two episodes, Sarah will speak to the recipients of the 2021 Australia & New Zealand L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science fellowships, including CMS member Dr Kristy Nash.

Listen podcasts here: part 1 and part 2.

What’s it like to be a member of the Centre for Marine Socioecology (CMS)? 

By Ana Catarina Serra Goncalves
PhD life is a rollercoaster, it is filled of ups and downs. Therefore, as a PhD student to be able to have a fulfilling and enriching experience, it is important to be part of a lab and/or community that makes you feel included and that encourages the development of your skills by promoting a wide range of opportunities.
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Students BBQ
Summer School 2020

CMS summer school
 Beginning an interdisciplinary journey

By Liam Fulbrook

As nice and simple as it might be, we do not live in a world where things operate in small and easy to manage pieces. Although we try to force things to fit in our predesignated boxes, we are increasingly realising that everything is connected
(or at least we in the western world are only just realising this). For example, in sciences we research our oceans as Oceanographers, Ecologists, Political scientists, Biologists, Botanists, Ichthyologists and many many more. But as we begin to accept that our actions have complex, interlinked and multifaceted consequences and it is important that we begin exploring the cross-boundary relationships and explore the spaces between disciplines.
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Speaking the same language? 

By Peter Puskic

Tip 2: learn new languages – seek to understand and speak across disciplines. It all comes down to jargon. This as it turns out, is fundamental to working as an interdisciplinary scientists. We must have a firm grounding and understanding of our own field, but we must also have the capacity to translate this to other disciplines if we are to tackle any of the huge marine conservation issues that we currently face.
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Summer School 2020 - Sierra

Science communication tool

By Sierra Ison

The Centre for Marine Socioecology hosted their first interdisciplinary summer school in Hobart, Tasmania. The theme of this year’s summer school was Interdisciplinary Skills for Equitable Climate Adaptation in Socioecological Systems.

The summer school connected and inspired researchers from all disciplines and diverse cultures to work collaboratively to devise creative, innovative and practical solutions to the myriad socioecological challenges our world and oceans face today.
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University of TasmaniaInstitute of Marine and Antarctic StudiesCSIRO Department of the EnvironmentGEOS
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