CMS Publications


Publications associated with each research themes are displayed in the relevant theme page

Use the search function in this table to find publications by title, year or author
AuthorsTitlePublisherYearTypeLink to Publication
Vozzo ML, Christofidis M, Griffiths L, Kelly R, Manion ML, Barmand S, Bolin JA, Fuenzalida-Miralles PA, Harris ML, Issell A, Kuempel CD, Martinez Diaz M, Murunga M, Palmer SR, Schaefer N & Simpson JAdvancing ocean sustainability through better science integration: perspectives of Early Career Ocean ProfessionalsFrontiers in Ocean Sustainability2025Scientific publicationRead More
Alexander KA, Hobday AJ, Cvitanovic C, Ogier E, Nash KL, Cottrell RS, Fleming A, Fudge M, Fulton EA, Frusher S, Kelly R, MacLeod C, Pecl GT, van Putten IE, Vince J & Watson RAProgress in integrating natural and social science in marine ecosystem-based management researchMarine and Freshwater Research2019Scientific publicationRead More
Blanchard JL, Novaglio C, Maury O, Harrison CS, Petrik CM, Fierro-Arcos D, Ortega-Cisneros K, Bryndum-Buchholz A, Eddy TD, Heneghan R, Roberts K, Schewe J, Bianchi D, Guiet J, Daniel van Denderen P, Palacios-Abrantes J, Liu X, Stock CA, Rousseau Y, Büchner M, Adekoya EO, Bulman C, Cheung W, Christensen V, Coll M, Capitan L, Datta S, Fulton EA, Fuster A, Garza V, Lengaigne M, Lindmark M, Murphy K, Ouled‐Cheikh J, Prasad SS, Oliveros‐Ramos R, Reum JC , Rynne N, Scherrer KJN, Shin Y-J, Steenbeek J , Woodworth‐Jefcoats P, Yan‐Lun Wu & Tittensor DPDetecting, Attributing, and Projecting Global Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Change: FishMIP 2.0Earth’s Future2024Scientific publicationRead More
Church EK, Wilson KA, Loder J & Dean AJFrom citizen science experiences to stewardship action: The importance of both nature and social experiencesMarine Policy2025Scientific publicationRead More
Phillips GAC, Ogier E, Dutton I, Barrett N, Krueck NC & Hartmann KThe ambiguous role of partially protected marine protected areas in Australia: Results from a systematic literature reviewPLoS ONE2025Scientific publicationRead More
Crespo GO, Robbins M, Satterthwaite E, Puskic PS, Giron-Nava A, Elsler L, Rguez-Baron JM, Brodnicke OB & Trinomics MJCECOP Programme Survey Report: One ocean, one voice: A global early career perspective on the priorities for the UN Ocean DecadeZenodo2024ReportRead More
Satterthwaite EV, Robbins M, Crespo GO, Puskic PS, Giddens J, Kostianaia E, Giron-Nava A, Elsler LG, Rguez-Baron JM & Brodnicke OBGlobal priorities for ocean sustainability from Early Career Ocean ProfessionalsICES Journal of Marine Science2025Scientific publicationRead More
Puskic PS, Graham-Blair J, Burgess E, Bridle AR, Lea M-A & Roman LImplications of plastic ingestion on the growth and fledging success of shearwatersScience of the Total Environment2025Scientific publicationRead More
Brent K, Manon S & McDonald JFrom informal to formal governance of solar radiation managementClimate Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Stoeckl N, Adams VM, Baird R, Boothroyd A, Costanza R, Finau G, Fulton EA, Hatton MacDonald D, King MA, Kubiszewski I, Leane E, Melbourne-Thomas J, Nielsen HEF, Ooi C-S, Raghavan M, Senigaglia V, Tian J & Yamazaki SGovernance challenges to protect globally important ecosystem services of the Antarctic and Southern OceanICES Journal of Marine Science2024Scientific publicationRead More
Kubiszewski I, Adams VM, Baird R, Boothroyd A, Costanza R, Hatton MacDonald D, Finau G, Fulton EA, King CK, King MA, Lannuzel D, Leane E, Melbourne-Thomas J, Ooi C-S, Raghavan M, Senigaglia V, Stoeckl N, Tian J & Yamazaki SCascading tipping points of Antarctica and the Southern OceanAmbio2024Scientific publicationRead More
Constable A, Melbourne-Thomas J, Muelbert MMC & Hollowed ABEditorial: Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean: meeting the challenge for conserving earth ecosystems in the long termFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution2024Scientific publicationRead More
Ryan KL, Syers C, Holtom K, Green T, Lyle JM, Stark KE & Tracey SRRecreational fishers’ attitudes to fisheries management and complianceMarine Policy2025Scientific publicationRead More
Johnson MS, Adams VM & Byrne JAUnderstanding how landscape value and climate risk discourses can improve adaptation planning: Insights from Q-methodEnvironmental Science and Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Pillar HR, Hetherington E, Levin LA, Cimoli L, Lauderdale JM, van der Grient JMA, Johannes K, Heimbach P, Smith L, Addey CI, Annasawmy P, Antonio S, Bax N, Drake HF, Escobar E, Elsler LG, Freilich MA, Gallo ND, Girard F, Harke MJ, Jones DOB, Joshi S, Liang X, Maroni PJ, Sarti O, Stefanoudis PV, Sulpis O & Trossman DFuture directions for deep ocean climate science and evidence-based decision makingFrontiers in Climate2024Scientific publicationRead More
Ryan KL, Taylor SM, Lyle JM, Stark KE & Tracey SROn the Line and Online: Higher Non‐Response to Web‐Based Surveys Over‐Represents Avid Recreational Fishers Compared With Telephone SurveysFisheries Management and Ecology2024Scientific publicationRead More
Duggan J, Clement S, Cvitanovic C & van Putten IEIncorporating sense of place into the management of marine protected areas: A case study from New South Wales, AustraliaOcean & Coastal Management2024Scientific publicationRead More
Hoshino E, Pascoe S, van Putten IE, Resosudarmo BP, Satria F & Sadiyah LSurvey-based approach to generate regional multipliers for the Indonesian tropical tuna fisheriesEnvironment and Development Economics2024Scientific publicationRead More
van Denderen PD, Jacobsen N, Andersen KH, Blanchard JL, Novaglio C, Stock CA & Petrik CMEstimating Fishing Exploitation Rates to Simulate Global Catches and Biomass Changes of Pelagic and Demersal FishEarth’s Future2024Scientific publicationRead More
DeCesaro JM, Allison EH, Clawson G, Frazier M, Gephart JA, Hicks CC, Nash KL, Williams DR & Halpern BSThe distribution of environmental pressures from global dietary shiftEnvironmental Research Letters2024Scientific publicationRead More
Hampton-Smith M, Gurney GG, Morrison TH & Cinner JEEquity in global conservation policy varies in clarity and comprehensivenessOne Earth2024Scientific publicationRead More
Morrison TH, Barnett J, Gurney GG, Lau J, Barnes ML, Cinner J, Hettiarachchi M & Cohen POvercoming lock-in of science-policy responses to reef heatingMarine Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Coutts A, Zimmermann D, Davey A, Bowman JP, Ross DJ & Strain EMAA comparison of visual and molecular methods for inferring biological communities in aquaculture enriched sediments - Impact assessment and cost-benefit analysisMarine Pollution Bulletin2024Scientific publicationRead More
Strain EMA, Bugnot AB, Hancock B, Fulweiler RW, Ross DJ & Reeves SEAssessing the ecological functioning and biodiversity of remnant native flat oyster (Ostrea angasi) reefs in temperate southeast AustraliaMarine Environmental Research2024Scientific publicationRead More
Strain EMA, Swearer SE, Ambler I, Morris RL & Nickols KJAssessing the role of natural kelp forests in modifying seawater chemistryScientific Reports2024Scientific publicationRead More
Schipper ELF, Maharaj SS & Pecl GTScientists have emotional responses to climate change tooNature Climate Change2024Scientific publicationRead More
Vince J, Carney Almroth B, de Miranda Grilli N, Dwivedi V, Stöfen-O’Brien A and Beyer JThe Zero Draft Plastics Treaty: Gaps and challengesCambridge Prisms: Plastics2024Scientific publicationRead More
Jayakody DY, Adams VM, Pecl GT & Lester EWhen does place attachment lead to climate change adaptation and when does it not? A quantitative review and thematic analysisEnvironmental Science and Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Mutuku J, Yanotti M, Tocock M & Hatton MacDonald DThe Abundance of Microplastics in the World’s Oceans: A Systematic ReviewOceans2024Scientific publicationRead More
Vince J, Fudge M, Fullbrook L & Haward MUnderstanding policy integration through an integrative capacity frameworkPolicy and Society2024Scientific publicationRead More
Foley P, Moro L, Neis B, Stephenson RL, Mellin R, Singh G, Hall P, Kelly R & Kulsum UExpanding infrastructure ontologies: Integrative and critical insights for coastal studies and governanceCoastal Studies & Society2024Scientific publicationRead More
Gephart JA, Agrawal Bejarano R, Gorospe K, Godwin A, Golden CD, Naylor RL, Nash KL, Pace ML & Troell MGlobalization of wild capture and farmed aquatic foodsNature Communications2024Scientific publicationRead More
Duggan J, Clement S, Cvitanovic C & van Putten IEIncorporating sense of place into the management of social-ecological systems: The researchers’ perspectivesPloS One2024Scientific publicationRead More
Johnson MS, Adams VM & Byrne JEnhancing climate adaptation: Integrating place-based risk perceptions and coastalscape values using Q+PPGISLandscape and Urban Planning2024Scientific publicationRead More
Viola B, Puskic PS, Corney SP, Barrett N, Davies B, Clausius E, Jutzeler M & Lea M-AA quantitative assessment of continuous versus structured methods for the detection of marine mammals and seabirds via opportunistic shipboard surveysScientific Reports2024Scientific publicationRead More
Abaker KYI, Elamin SM, Nash KL, Eltaib EBA, Nillos-Kleiven PJ, Klaus R, Moland EAssessment of coral communities along Sudan's Red Sea coastIn: NMA. Rasul & ICR. Stewart (Eds.), Coral Reefs and Associated Marine Fauna around the Arabian Peninsula2024Book chapterRead More
Boothroyd A, Adams VM, Alexander KA & Hill NStakeholder perceptions of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Marine Protected Area planning processMarine Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Mason JG, Bryndum‐Buchholz A, Palacios‐Abrantes J, Badhe R, Morgante I, Bianchi D, Blanchard JL, Everett JD, Harrison CS, Heneghan RF, Novaglio C & Petrik CMKey Uncertainties and Modeling Needs for Managing Living Marine Resources in the Future Arctic OceanEarth’s Future2024Scientific publicationRead More
Edgar GJ, Bates AE, Krueck NC, Baker SC, Stuart-Smith RD & Brown CJStock assessment models overstate sustainability of the world’s fisheriesScience2024Scientific publicationRead More
Shellock RJ, Fullbrook L, McKinley E, Cvitanovic C, Kelly R & Martin VThe nature and use of Ocean Literacy in achieving sustainable ocean futures: A Systematic MapOcean and Coastal Management2024Scientific publicationRead More
Stoett P, Scrich VM, Elliff CI, Andrade MM, de Miranda Grilli N & Turra AGlobal plastic pollution, sustainable development, and plastic justiceWorld Development2024Scientific publicationRead More
Sequeira AMM, Bates AE, Hays G, Sims DW, Andrzejaczek S, Audzijonyte A, Baum JK, Beal M, Block B, Cinner J, Cowley K, Gilman E, Gleason A, Harrison AL, Hudson C, Ishimura G, Jabado RW, Landrum JP, Mangubhai S, McClenachan L, Meagher L, Riginos C, Serrao EA, Sherley RB, Stuart-Smith RD, Wambiji N & Marley SAA framework for optimising opportunistic collaborative syntheses to propel ecological conservationBiological Conservation2024Scientific publicationRead More
Sojitra M, Corney SP, Hemer M, Hamilton S, McInnes J, Thalmann S & Lea M-ATraversing the land-sea interface: A climate change risk assessment of terrestrially breeding marine predatorsGlobal Change Biology2024Scientific publicationRead More
Pitt C & Norris KClimate change and mental health: postgraduate psychology student and program coordinator perspectives from Australia and Aotearoa New ZealandAustralian Psychologist2024Scientific publicationRead More
Doubleday ZA, Willoughby J, Martino JC, Cottrell RS, & Gephart JAImproved fisheries management and aquaculture growth align with fewer shocks to Australian seafood productionCell Reports Sustainability2024Scientific publicationRead More
Niner HJ, Wilson D, Hoareau K, Strand M, Whittingham J, McGarry D, Erinosho B, Ibrahim S, Tshiningayamwe S, Febrica S, Lancaster AMSN & Prokic MReflections on the past, present, and potential futures of knowledge hierarchies in ocean biodiversity governance researchFrontiers in Marine Science2024Scientific publicationRead More
Murunga M, Ogier E, MacLeod C & Pecl GTWhat drives public engagement by scientists? An Australian perspectiveGlobal Environmental Change2024Scientific publicationRead More
Spillias S, Tuohy P, Alexander KA, Annand-Jones A, Boschetti F, Cvitanovic C, Duggan J, Fulton EA, Karcher DB, Paris C, Shellock RJ & Trebilco RHuman-AI collaboration to identify literature for evidence synthesisCell Reports Sustainability2024Scientific publicationRead More
Hoareau KKnowledge Systems in the Blue EconomySeychelles Research Journal2024Scientific publicationRead More
Keane JP, Cresswell K, McAllister J, Rainer S, Smith J, Johnson OJ & Ling SChapter 11 - Subsidizing the overharvest of an overgrazing, range-extending sea urchin for kelp restoration and abalone habitat protectionFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)2024Book chapterRead More
Condie CM, Melbourne-Thomas J, Spillias S, Alexander KA & Condie SALow Conflict Pathways To Renewable Energy: Stakeholder attitudes to the proposed Bass Strait offshore wind energy zoneCSIRO2024ReportRead More
Vozzo ML, Bishop MJ, Dafforn KA, Steinberg PD, Strain EMA & Pinto MMFrom experiment to intervention: A case study of scaling up marine eco-engineering from research to applicationEnvironmental Science and Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Malakar Y, Snow S, Fleming A, Fielke S, Jakku E, Tozer C & Darbyshire RMulti-decadal climate services help farmers assess and manage future risksNature Climate Change2024Scientific publicationRead More
Easton A, Komyakova V & Coughlin TEvaluating ecological risk in artificial habitat failure: A systematic review and risk assessment considering noise and light pollution in the marine environmentEnvironmental Impact Assessment Review2024Scientific publicationRead More
Condie CM, Fulton EA, Alexander KA, Vince J, Haward M & Condie SASocial influence modelling demonstrates that strategic communication and depoliticization reduces conflict in aquacultureMarine Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Long CA, Hodgson-Johnston I & Nielsen HEFThe Australian ice core programme: history, context, and bibliometric analysisThe Polar Journal2024Scientific publicationRead More
Haugen JB, Link JS, Cribari K, Bundy A, Dickey-Collas M, Leslie HM, Hall J, Fulton EA, Levenson JJ, Parsons DM, Hassellöv I-M, Olsen E, DePiper GS, Gentry RR, Clark DE, Brainard RE, Mateos-Molina D, Borja A, Gelcich S, Guilhon M, Ban NC, Pedreschi D, Khan A, Chuenpagdee R, Large SI, Defeo O, Shannon L, Bailey SA, Jordan A & Agnalt ALMarine ecosystem-based management: challenges remain, yet solutions exist, and progress is occurringnjp Ocean Sustainability2024Scientific publicationRead More
Vince J, Walker TR, Willis KA, Stoett PJ, Komyakova V, Hardesty BD, Schofield J, van Leeuwen J & Townsend KA6.24 - Governance and Socio-Ecological Aspects of Plastics Pollution in Coastal and Marine EnvironmentsIn D. Baird & M. Elliott (Eds.), Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Second Edition)2024Book chapterRead More
Green ME, Hardesty BD, Deagle BE & Wilcox CEnvironmental DNA as a tool to reconstruct catch composition for longline fisheries vesselsScientific Reports2024Scientific publicationRead More
Cowger W, Willis KA, Bullock S, Conlon K, Emmanuel J, Erdle LM, Eriksen M, Farrelly TA, Hardesty BD, Kerge K, Li N, Li Y & Liebman AGlobal producer responsibility for plastic pollutionScience Advances2024Scientific publicationRead More
Lawlor JA, Comte L, Grenouillet G, Lenoir J, Baecher JA, Bandara RMWJ, Bertrand R, Chen I-C, Diamond SE, Lancaster LT, Moore N, Murienne J, Oliveira BF, Pecl GT, Pinsky ML, Rolland J, Rubenstein M, Scheffers BR, Thompson LM, van Amerom B, Villalobos F, Weiskopf SR & Sunday JMechanisms, detection and impacts of species redistributions under climate changeNature Reviews Earth & Environment2024Scientific publicationRead More
Ison S, Cvitanovic C, Pecl GT, Hobday AJ & van Putten IEParticipatory research in complex marine conservation settings: A review of recent trends and lessons for the futureOcean & Coastal Management2024Scientific publicationRead More
Stephenson RL & Hobday AJBlueprint for Blue Economy implementationMarine Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Karcher DB, Tuohy P, Cooke SJ & Cvitanovic CKnowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policy: A review of progress and research needsOcean & Coastal Management2024Scientific publicationRead More
Cottrell RSTowards a nutritional balance of fish for feed and fish for foodNature Food2024Scientific publicationRead More
Lucas CH, Earl-Jones CA, Mocatta G, Beasy K, Kelly R & Pecl GTAnalysis of children’s questions on climate change reveals that they are most concerned about how to take actionOne Earth2024Scientific publicationRead More
Richards SA, Cvitanovic C, Dunlop M, Fossette S, Thomas L, Tucker AD, van Putten I, Whiting AU, Whiting SD & Hobday AJIdentifying impactful sea turtle conservation strategies: a mismatch between most influential and most readily manageable life-stagesEndangered Species Research2024Scientific publicationRead More
Reum JCP, Woodworth‐Jefcoats P, Novaglio C, Forestier R, Audzijonyte A, Gårdmark A, Lindmark M & Blanchard JLTemperature‐Dependence Assumptions Drive Projected Responses of Diverse Size‐Based Food Webs to WarmingEarth's Future2024Scientific publicationRead More
Spillias S, von Herzen B & Holmgren DMarine permaculture: Design principles for productive seascapesOne Earth2024Scientific publicationRead More
Spillias S, Cottrell RS, Layton C, O’Brien KR & McDonald-Madden EHaving our kelp and eating it too: Minimizing trade-offs from seaweed farmingJournal of Cleaner Production2024Scientific publicationRead More
Pethiyagoda NA, Ogier E & Hatton MacDonald DMeasuring stakeholder preferences for ecosystem services interacting with salmon aquaculture in Tasmania under expansion: Application of Q methodologyMarine Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Stoeckl N, Adams VM, Baird R, Boothroyd A, Costanza R, Hatton MacDonald D, Finau G, Fulton EA, King MA, Kubiszewski I, Lannuzel D, Leane E, Melbourne-Thomas J , Ooi C-S, Raghavan M, Senigaglia V, Tian J & Yamazaki SThe value of Antarctic and Southern Ocean ecosystem servicesNature Reviews Earth & Environment2024Scientific publicationRead More
Mayer-Pinto M, Caley A, Knights AM, Airoldi L, Bishop MJ, Brooks P, Coutinho R, Crowe T, Mancuso P, Naval-Xavier LPD, Firth LB, Menezes R, de Messano LVR, Morris R, Ross DJ, Wong JXW, Steinberg P & Strain EMAComplexity-functioning relationships differ across different environmental conditionsJournal of Environmental Management2024Scientific publicationRead More
Robinson LM, Marzloff MP, van Putten IE, Pecl GT, Jennings S, Nicol S, Hobday AJ, Tracey S, Hartmann K, Haward M & Frusher SDecision support for the Ecosystem-Based Management of a Range-Extending Species in a Global Marine Hotspot Presents Effective Strategies and ChallengesEcosystems2023Scientific publicationRead More
Graba-Landry A, Champion C, Twiname S, Wolfe B, Haddy J, Mossop D, Pecl GT & Tracey SCitizen science aids the quantification of the distribution and prediction of present and future temporal variation in habitat suitability at species’ range edgesFrontiers of Biogeography2023Scientific publicationRead More
Dielenberg J, Bekessy S, Cumming GS, Dean AJ, Fitzsimons JA, Garnett S, Goolmeer T, Hughes L, Kingsford RT, Legge S, Lindenmayer DB, Lovelock CE, Lowry R, Maron M, Marsh J, McDonald J, Mitchell NJ, Moggridge BJ, Morgain R, O’Connor PJ, Pascoe J, Pecl GT, Possingham HP, Ritcie EG, Smith LDG, Spindler R, Thompson RM, Trezise J, Umbers K, Woinarski J & Wintle BAAustralia’s biodiversity crisis and the need for the Biodiversity CouncilEcological Management and Restoration2023Scientific publicationRead More
Mills KE, Armitage D, Eurich JG, Kleisner KM, Pecl GT & Tokunaga KCo-production of knowledge and strategies to support climate resilient fisheriesICES Journal of Marine Science2023Scientific publicationRead More
Pecl GT, Kelly R, Lucas C, van Putten IE, Badhe R, Champion C, Chen I, Defeo O, Gaitan‐Espitia J D, Evengård B, Fordham DA, Guo F, Henriques R, Henry S, Lenoir J, McGhie H, Mustonen T, Oliver S, Pettorelli N, Pinsky ML, Potts W, Santana-Garcon J, Sauer W, Stensgaard A-S, Tingley MW & Verges AClimate-driven ‘species-on-the-move’ provide tangible anchors to engage the public on climate changePeople and Nature2023Scientific publicationRead More
Frazão Santos C, Agardy T, Aheto D, Allison EH, Bennett NJ, Blythe JL, Calado H, Crowder LB, Day JC, de Vos A, Flannery W, Galparsoro I, Gissi E, Gjerde KM, Gobin JF, Green S, Isaacs M, Karuaihe ST, Lombard AT, Lopes PFM, Ojea E, Orbach M, Pecl GT, Reid A, Scherer M, Shelton AJ, Sogbanmu TO, Villasante S, Wedding L & Sumaila URAdvancing interdisciplinary knowledge for ocean sustainabilityNpj Ocean Sustainability2023Scientific publicationRead More
Fuller JL, van Putten IE, Kraan M, Bjørkan M & Dankel DJ“Sustainability is not a vegan coffee shop.” Eliciting citizen attitudes and perspectives to localize the UN sustainable development goalsJournal of Environmental Planning and Management2023Scientific publicationRead More
Boonstra WJ, Dahlet L, Eriksson B, Salim SA & van Putten IEUnderstanding and analysing the complex causality of conflicts over marine environments through process tracingMaritime Studies2023Scientific publicationRead More
Dahlet LI, Selim SA & van Putten IEA review of how we study coastal and marine conflicts: is social science taking a broad enough view?Maritime Studies2023Scientific publicationRead More
Vogel JM, Longo C, Spijkers J, Palacios-Abrantes J, Mason J, Wabnitz CCC, Cheung W, Sumaila UR, Munro G, Glaser S, Bell J, Tian Y, Shackell NL, Selig ER, Le Billon P, Watson JR, Hendrix C, Pinsky ML, van Putten IE, Karr K, Papaioannou EA & Fujita RDrivers of conflict and resilience in shifting transboundary fisheriesMarine Policy2023Scientific publicationRead More
van Putten IE, McClean N, Chin A, Pillans S & Sbrocchi CWhat happens after a shark incident? Influences on behaviour and behaviour change among Australian beachgoersHuman Wildlife Interactions2023Scientific publicationRead More
Tomsa D & Bax NDemocratic Regression and Environmental Politics in IndonesiaAsian Studies Review2023Scientific publicationRead More
Sun M, Li Y, Suatoni L, Kempf A, Taylor M, Fulton EA, Szuwalski C, Spedicato MT & Chen YStatus and Management of Mixed Fisheries: A Global SynthesisReviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture2023Scientific publicationRead More
Shellock RJ, Cvitanovic C, McKinnon MC, Mackay M, van Putten IE, Blythe J, Kelly R, Tuohy P, Maltby KM, Mynott S, Simmonds N, Bailey M, Begossi A, Crona B, Fakoya KA, Ferreira BP, Ferrer AJG, Frangoudes K, Gobin J, Goh HC, Haapasaari P, Hardesty BD, Häussermann V, Hoareau K, Hornidge A-K, Isaacs M, Kraan M, Li Y, Liu M, Lopes PFM, Mlakar M, Morrison TH, Oxenford HA, Pecl GT, Penca J, Robinson C, Selim SA, Skern-Mauritzen M, Soejima K, Soto D, Spalding AK, Vadrot A, Vaidianu N, Webber M & Wisz MSBuilding leaders for the UN Ocean Science Decade: a guide to supporting early career women researchers within academic marine research institutionsICES Journal of Marine Science2023Scientific publicationRead More
Pecl GT, Kelly R, Lucas C, van Putten I, Badhe R, Champion C, Chen I, Defeo O, Gaitan‐Espitia J D, Evengård B, Fordham DA, Guo F, Henriques R, Henry S, Lenoir J, McGhie H, Mustonen T, Oliver S, Perryman HA, Kaplan IC, Blanchard JL, Fay G, Gaichas SK, McGregor VL, Nalini Morzaria-Luna H, Porobic J, Townsend H & Fulton EAAtlantis Ecosystem Model Summit 2022: Report from a workshopEcological Modelling2023Scientific publicationRead More
Mota RP & Nichols RHabitat considerations in optimal fisheries recoveryEcological Economics2023Scientific publicationRead More
McDonald J, Brent K, McCormack PC & McGee JGreenhouse Gas Removal in Australian Climate Law: A Positive Role for Negative EmissionsUNSW Law Journal2023Scientific publicationRead More
Leroy B, Scutt Phillips J, Potts J, Brill RW, Evans K, Forget F, Holland K, Itano D, Muir J, Pilling G & Nicol SRecommendations towards the establishment of best practice standards for handling and intracoloemic implantation of data-storage and telemetry tags in tropical tunasAnimal Biotelemetry2023Scientific publicationRead More
Hurd CL, Wright JT, Layton C, Strain EMA, Britton D, Visch W, Barrett N, Bennett S, Chang KJL, Edgar G, Fitton JH, Greeno D, Jameson I, Johnson CR, Karpiniec SS, Kraft GT, Ling SD, MacLeod CM, Paine ER, Park A, Sanderson JC, Schmid M, Scott FJ, Shelamoff V, Stringer DN, Tatsumi M, White CA & Willis AFrom Tasmania to the world: long and strong traditions in seaweed use, research, and developmentBotanica Marina2023Scientific publicationRead More
Tuohy P, Richards S, Cvitanovic C, van Putten I, Hobday AJ, Thomas L & Annand-Jones RSocial acceptability of conservation interventions for flatback turtles: comparing expert and public perceptionsEndangered Species Research2024Scientific publicationRead More
Rubio I, Hobday AJ & Ojea EAdaption planning to climate change in industrial fisheries: Progress in the Basque tropical tuna fisheryMarine Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Baker GB, Komyakova V, Wellbelove A, Beynon N & Haward MThe implementation of ACAP Best Practice Advice to mitigate seabird bycatch in fisheries: Issues and optionsMarine Policy2024Scientific publicationRead More
Audzijonyte A, Delius GW, Stuart-Smith RD, Novaglio C, Edgar GJ, Barrett NS & Blanchard JLChanges in sea floor productivity are crucial to understanding the impact of climate change in temperate coastal ecosystems according to a new size-based modelPLoS Biology2023Scientific publicationRead More
Coghlan AR, Blanchard JL, Wotherspoon S, Stuart-Smith RD, Edgar GJ, Barrett N & Audzijonyte AMean reef fish body size decreases towards warmer watersEcology Letters2024Scientific publicationRead More
Kajtar JB, Holbrook NJ, Lyth A, Hobday AJ, Mundy CN & Ugalde SCA stakeholder-guided marine heatwave hazard index for fisheries and aquacultureClimatic Change2024Scientific publicationRead More
Pitt C, Norris K & Pecl GTInforming future directions for climate anxiety interventions: a mixed-method study of professional perspectivesJournal of Outdoor and Environmental Education2024Scientific publicationRead More
Melbourne-Thomas J , Lin BB, Hopkins M, Hill R, Dunlop M, MacGregor N, Merson SD, Vertigan C, Donegan L, Sheppard M, Meyers J, Thomas L, Visschers L, McNeair B, Syme L, Grant C, Pedrocchi N, Oakley P, Stevens A, Rose D, Rose E, Gould J, Locke J, Maybanks L & Ireland TBuilding capacity for climate adaptation planning in protected area management: Options and challenges for World HeritageBiological Conservation2024Scientific publicationRead More
Tuohy P, Cvitanovic C, Shellock RJ, Karcher DB, Duggan J & Cooke SJConsiderations for Research Funders and Managers to Facilitate the Translation of Scientific Knowledge into PracticeEnvironmental Management2023Scientific publicationRead More
Partelow S, Schlüter A, Ban NC, Batterbury S, Bavinck M, Bennett NJ, Bleischwitz R, Blythe J, Bogusz T, Breckwoldt A, Cinner JE, Glaser M, Govan H, Gruby R, Hatje V, Hornidge A-K, Hovelsrud GK, Kittinger JN, Kluger LC, Kochalski S, Mawyer A, McKinley E, Olsen J, Pittman J, Riechers M, Riekhof M-C, Schwerdtner Manez K, Shellock RJ, Siriwardane-de Zoysa R, Steins NA, Van Assche K & Villasante SFive social science intervention areas for ocean sustainability initiativesNpj Ocean Sustainability2023Scientific publicationRead More
Murunga M, Macleod C & Pecl GTAssumptions and contradictions shape public engagement on climate changeNature Climate Change2024Scientific publicationRead More
Jayakody DY, Adams VM, Pecl GT & Lester EWhat makes a place special? Understanding drivers and the nature of place attachmentApplied Geography2024Scientific publicationRead More
Morris RL, Campbell-Hooper E, Waters E, Bishop MJ, Lovelock CE, Lowe RJ, Strain EMA, Boon P, Boxshall A, Browne NK, Carley JT, Fest BJ, Fraser MW, Ghisalberti M, Gillanders BM, Kendrick GA, Konlechner TM, Mayer-Pinto M, Pomeroy AWM, Rogers AA, Simpson V, Van Rooijen AA, Waltham NK & Swearer SECurrent extent and future opportunities for living shorelines in AustraliaScience of the Total Environment2024Scientific publicationRead More
Firth LB, Bone J, Bartholomew A, Bishop MJ, Bugnot A, Bulleri F, Chee S-Y, Claassens L, Dafforn KA, Fairchild TP, Hall AE, Hanley ME, Komyakova V, Lemasson AJ, Loke LHL, Mayer-Pinto M, Morris R, Naylor L, Perkins MJ, Pioch S, Porri F, O’Shaughnessy KA, Schaefer N, Strain EMA, Toft JD, Waltham N, Aguilera M, Airoldi L, Bauer F, Brooks P, Burt J, Clubley C, Free Espinosa JR, Evans AJ, Farrugia-Drakard V, Froneman W, Griffin J, Hawkins SJ, Heery E, Herbert RJH, Jones E, Leung KMY, Moore P, Sempere-Valverde J, Sengupta D, Sheaves M, Swearer S, Thompson RC, Todd P & Knights AMCoastal greening of grey infrastructure: an update on the state-of-the-artMaritime Engineering2024Scientific publicationRead More
Cvitanovic C, Shellock RJ, Karcher DB, Tuohy P, Mackay M, van Putten I, Ballesteros M & Dickey-Collas MNavigating the stormy seas of building ‘trust’ as a boundary organisation connecting marine science with policy and managementOcean and Coastal Management2024Scientific publicationRead More
Baker GB, Komyakova V, Wellbelove A, Beynon N & Haward MThe implementation of ACAP Best Practice Advice to mitigate seabird bycatch in fisheries: Issues and optionsMarine Policy2023Scientific publicationRead More
Wright BR, Komyakova V, Sorte CJ, Tingley MW & Pecl GTReciprocal knowledge exchange between climate-driven species redistribution and invasion ecologyFrontiers of Biogeography2023Scientific publicationRead More
Razzell Hollis J, Henderson G, Lavers JL, Rea E, Komyakova V & Bond ALQuantitative photography for rapid, reliable measurement of marine macro‐plastic pollutionMethods in Ecology and Evolution2023Scientific publicationRead More
Ison S, Cvitanovic C, Pecl GT, Hobday AJ & van Putten IThe role of visual framing in marine conservation communicationOcean and Coastal Management2024Scientific publicationRead More
Kuempel CD, Frazier M, Verstaen J, Rayner PE, Blanchard JL, Cottrell RS, Froehlich HE, Gephart JA, Jacobsen NS, McIntyre PB, Metian M, Moran D, Nash KL, Tobben J, Williams DR & Halpern BSEnvironmental footprints of farmed chicken and salmon bridge the land and seaCurrent Biology2023Scientific publicationRead More
Collings S, van Putten I, Melbourne-Thomas J & Hobday AJA Framework for Guiding Rapid Scientific Response to Extreme Environmental EventsOcean and Coastal Management2023Scientific publicationRead More
Johnson MS, Adams VM & Byrne JAddressing fraudulent responses in online surveys: Insights from a web‐based participatory mapping studyPeople and Nature2023Scientific publicationRead More
Glaser M, Selim SA, De la Cruz-Modino R, van Putten I, Canela SA, Paytan A, Dutra LXC, Heck N, Narayan S, Sauer W, Boonstra WJ & Snow BAnalysis across case-based global sustainability projects: an emerging challenge for ocean conflict research in the AnthropoceneMaritime Studies2023Scientific publicationRead More
Pitt C, Norris K & Pecl GTA systematic review of climate emotions and mental health in adultsGlobal Environmental Psychology2023Scientific publicationRead More
Manon S, McDonald J & Brent KTransboundary Implications of China's Weather Modification Programme Transnational Environmental Law2023Scientific publicationRead More
Constable AJ, Melbourne-Thomas J, Muelbert MMC, McCormack S, Brasier M, Caccavo JA, Cavanagh RD, Grant SM, Griffiths HJ, Gutt J, Henley SF, Höfer J, Hollowed AB, Johnston NM, Morley SA, Murphy EJ, Pinkerton MH, Schloss IR, Swadling KM, & Van de Putte APMarine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean: Summary for PolicymakersIntegrated Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, Integrated Marine Biosphere Research2023ReportRead More
Kelly R, Beasy K, Lucas C, Mocatta G & Pecl GTAnswering Children’s Questions on Climate Change: Curious Climate SchoolsEducation and the UN Sustainable Development Goals2023Book chapterRead More
Morgan W, Bradshaw S, King T, Gardner J, Hughes L, Karoly D & Pecl GTCode Blue: Our Oceans in CrisisClimate Council of Australia2023ReportRead More
Grasselli F, Strain EMA, Airoldi LMaterial type and origin influences the abundances of key taxa on artificial structuresCoastal Engineering2023Scientific publicationRead More
Partelow S, Asif F, Béné C, Bush S, Manlosa AO, Nagel B, Schlüter A, Chadag VM, Choudhury A, Cole SM, Cottrell RS, Gelcich S, Gentry R, Gephart JA, Glaser M, Johnson TR, Jonell M, Krause G, Kunzmann A, Kühnhold H, Little DC, Marschke MJ, Mizuta DD, Paramita AO, Pin N, Salayo ND, Stentiford GD, Stoll J, Troell M, Turchini GMAquaculture governance: five engagement arenas for sustainability transformationCurrent Opinion in Environmental Sustainability2023Scientific publicationRead More
Bax N & Carter SDiscovery of solar sea slugs in the Falkland IslandsFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment2023Scientific publicationRead More
Karcher DB, Cvitanovic C, Colvin R & van Putten IEnabling successful science‐policy knowledge exchange between marine biodiversity research and management: An Australian case studyEnvironmental Policy and Governance2023Scientific publicationRead More
Halpern BS, Frazier M, Rayner PE, Clawson G, Blanchard JL, Cottrell RS, Froehlich HE, Gephart JA, Jacobsen NS, Kuempel CD, Moran D, Nash KL & Williams DRReply to: The environmental footprint of fisheriesNature Sustainability2023Scientific publicationRead More
Eurich JG, Friedman WR, Kleisner KM, Zhao LZ, Free CM, Fletcher M, Mason JG, Tokunaga K, Aguion A, Dell’Apa A, Dickey‐Collas M, Fujita R, Golden CD, Hollowed AB, Ishimura G, Karr KA, Kasperski S, Kisara Y, Lau JD, Mangubhae S, Osman L, Pecl GT, Schmidt JO, Allison EH, Sullivan PJ, Cinner JE, Griffis RB, McClanahan TR, Stedman RC & Mills KE Diverse pathways for climate resilience in marine fishery systemsFish and Fisheries2023Scientific publicationRead More
Lansbury N, Moggridge B, Creamer S, Ireland L, Buckley L, Evans G, Milsom O, Pecl GT & Mosby VAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ voices and engagement in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Advice to inform the Australian Government towards IPCC Assessment Report 7An independent report commissioned by the Australian Government (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water), Canberra.2023ReportRead More
Duggan J, Cvitanovic C & van Putten IAn Evolving Understanding of Sense of Place in Social-Ecological Systems Research and the Barriers and Enablers to its MeasurementEnvironmental Management2023Scientific publicationRead More
Webster MM, Twohey B, Alagona PS, Arafeh-Dalmau N, Colton MA, Eger AM, Miller SN, Pecl GT, Scheffers BR & Snyder RAssisting adaptation in a changing worldFrontiers in Environmental Science2023Scientific publicationRead More
Tocock M, Borriello A, Tinch DR, Rose JM & Hatton MacDonald DHow environmental beliefs influence the acceptance of reallocating government budgets to improving coastal water quality: a hybrid choice modelAustralasian Journal of Environmental Management2023Scientific publicationRead More
Murray L, Breheny M, Cumming R, Erueti B, Mooney M, Nash KL, Severinsen C & Shanly JHow does learning about the future of the ocean impact children’s emotional wellbeing? Insights from ocean literacy educators in Aotearoa New ZealandPeople and Nature2023Scientific publicationRead More
Subramaniam RC, Ruwet M, Boschetti F, Fielke S, Fleming A, Dominguez-Martinez RM, Plagányi ÉE, Schrobback P & Melbourne-Thomas J The socio-ecological resilience and sustainability implications of seafood supply chain disruptionReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2023Scientific publicationRead More
Bridges AEH, Howell KL, Amaro T, Atkinson L, Barnes DKA, Bax N, Bell JB, Bernardino AF, Beuck L, Braga-Henriques A, Brandt A, Bravo ME, Brix S, Butt S, Carranza A, Doti BL, Elegbede IO, Esquete P, Freiwald A, … Wienberg CReview of the Central and South Atlantic Shelf and Deep-Sea Benthos: Science, Policy, and Management. In Oceanography and Marine BiologyCRC Press2023Book chapterRead More
Beasy K, Jones C, Kelly R, Lucas C, Mocatta G, Pecl GT & Yildiz DThe burden of bad news: educators’ experiences of navigating climate change educationEnvironmental Education Research2023Scientific publicationRead More
Cundy ME, Santana-Garcon J, McLennan AG, Ayad ME, Bayer PE, Cooper M, Corrigan S, Harrison E & Wilcox CSeafood label quality and mislabelling rates hamper consumer choices for sustainability in AustraliaScientific Reports2023Scientific publicationRead More
Lin BB, Melbourne-Thomas J , Hopkins M, Dunlop M, Macgregor NA, Merson SD, Vertigan C & Hill R Holistic climate change adaptation for World HeritageNature Sustainability2023Scientific publicationRead More
Audzijonyte A, Mateos-González F, Dainys J, Gundelund C, Skov C, Tyrell DeWeber J, Venturelli P, Vienožinskis V & Smith C High-resolution app data reveal sustained increases in recreational fishing effort in Europe during and after COVID-19 lockdownsRoyal Society Open Science2023Scientific publicationRead More
Pecl GT, Kelly R, Lucas C, van Putten I, Badhe R, Champion C, Chen I, Defeo O, Gaitan‐Espitia J D, Evengård B, Fordham DA, Guo F, Henriques R, Henry S, Lenoir J, McGhie H, Mustonen T, Oliver S, Pettorelli N, Pinsky ML, Potts W, Santana-Garcon J, Sauer W, Stensgaard A-S, Tingley MW, Verges A Climate‐driven ‘species‐on‐the‐move’ provide tangible anchors to engage the public on climate changePeople and Nature2023Scientific publicationRead More
Cao L, Halpern BS, Troell M, Short R, Zeng C, Jiang Z, Liu Y, Zou C, Liu C, Liu S, Liu X, Cheung WWL, Cottrell RS, DeClerck F, Gelcich S, Gephart JA, Godo-Solo D, Kaull JI, Micheli F, Naylor RL, Payne HJ, Selig ER, Sumalia UR & Tigchelaar MVulnerability of blue foods to human-induced environmental changeNature Sustainability2023Scientific publicationRead More
Lovindeer R, Mynott S, Porobic J, Fulton EA, Hook SE, Pethybridge H, Allen SE, Latornell D, Morzaria-Luna HN & Melbourne-Thomas J Ecosystem-level Impacts of Oil Spills: A Review of Available Data with Confidence Metrics for Application to Ecosystem ModelsEnvironmental Modeling and Assessment2023Scientific publicationRead More
Phillips G, Krueck N, Ogier E, Barrett N, Dutton I & Hartmann KAssessing the multiple benefits of partially protected marine protected areas in Australia: A systematic review protocolPloS One2023Scientific publicationRead More
Britton JR, Pinder AC, Alós J, Arlinghaus R, Danylchuk AJ, Edwards W, Freire KMF, Gundelund C, Hyder K, Jarić I, Lennox R, Lewin WC, Lynch AJ, Midway SR, Potts WM, Ryan KL, Skov C, Strehlow HV, Tracey S, Tsuboi J-I, Venturelli PA, Weir JL, Weltersbach MS & Cooke SJGlobal responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by recreational anglers: considerations for developing more resilient and sustainable fisheriesReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2023Scientific publicationRead More
Grant MI, Amepou Y, Chin A, Hill SJ, Maggacis D & Green MAn anecdotal observation of an amputee sawfish recapture and development of safe release guide for Papua New Guinea gillnet fisheriesPacific Conservation Biology2023Scientific publicationRead More
Fudge M, Ogier E & Alexander KAMarine and coastal places: Wellbeing in a blue economyEnvironmental Science and Policy2023Scientific publicationRead More
Constable A, Kawaguchi S, Sumner M, Trathan PN & Warwick-Evans V A dynamic framework for assessing and managing risks to ecosystems from fisheries: demonstration for conserving the krill-based food web in AntarcticaFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution2023Scientific publicationRead More
Shellock RJ, Maltby KWomen Leaders Are Essential for Tackling Ocean Sustainability ChallengesAmerican Fisheries Society2023Scientific publicationRead More
Turschwell MP, Fulton EA, Melbourne-Thomas J , Lacharité M, Hayes KR, Wood G, Evans K, Hatton MacDonald D, Dambacher J, Bustamante RH, Abbassi R, Fidelman P, & Brown CJ A synthesis of approaches to support integrated assessments of hazards for the emerging Blue EconomyMarine Policy2023Scientific publicationRead More
Duggan J, Cvitanovic C & van Putten EIMeasuring sense of place in social-ecological systems: a review of literature and future research needsEcosystems and People2023Scientific publicationRead More
Visch W, Layton C, Hurd CL, MacLeod C & Wright JTA strategic review and research roadmap for offshore seaweed aquaculture—A case study from southern AustraliaReviews in Aquaculture2023Scientific publicationRead More
Troell M, Costa‐Pierce B, Stead S, Cottrell RS, Brugere C, Farmery A, Little DC, Strand Å, Pullin R, Soto D, Beveridge M, Salie K, Dresdner J, Moraes‐Valenti P, Blanchard JL, James P, Yossa R, Allison E, Devaney C & Barg UPerspectives on aquaculture’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals for improved human and planetary healthJournal of the World Aquaculture Society2023Scientific publicationRead More
Manning J, MacLeod C & Lucieer VSeascape Visual Characterization: Combining Viewing Geometry and Physical Features to Quantify the Perception of SeascapeSustainability2023Scientific publicationRead More
Fogarty HE, Cvitanovic C, Hobday AJ, & Pecl GTPrepared for change? An assessment of the current state of knowledge to support climate adaptation for Australian fisheriesReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2019Scientific publicationRead More
Jacob C, DuPrey Diederichsen S, Fullbrook L, Lombard AT, Rees SE, Rivers N, Snow B, Strand M, Zuercher R, & Niner HJ A two way process – Social capacity as a driver and outcome of equitable marine spatial planningMarine Policy2023Scientific publicationRead More
Mofokeng RP, Faltynkova A, Alfonso MB, Boujmil I, Carvalho IRB, Lunzalu K, Zanuri NBM, Nyadjro ES, Puskic PS , Lindsay DJ, Willis K , Adyel TM, Serra-Gonçalves C , Zolich A, Eriksen TS, Evans H-C, Gabriel D, Hajbane S, Suaria G, Law K, Lobelle DThe future of ocean plastics: designing diverse collaboration frameworksICES Journal of Marine Science2023Scientific publicationRead More
Condie CM, Alexander KA, Fulton EA, Vince J, & Haward MPolarised perspectives in salmon aquaculture warrant a targeted long-term approach to communicationScience Direct2023Scientific publicationRead More
Champion C & Pecl GTBehind the paper: Citizen science data reveal that climate, currents and species traits all contribute to the early stages of marine species redistributionsNature Ecology & Evolution2022ScientificRead More
Shellock RJ, Cvitanovic C, Badullovich N, Catto D, DelBene JA, Duggan J, Karcher DB, Ostwald A, & Tuohy PCrossing disciplinary boundaries: motivations, challenges, and enablers for early career marine researchers moving from natural to social sciencesICES Journal of Marine Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
Vince J, Praet E, Schofield J, & Townsend K Windows of opportunity’: exploring the relationship between social media and plastic policies during the COVID-19 PandemicPolicy Sciences2022Scientific publicationRead More
McCormack P, Jones A, Brent K, Wawryk A, & Wong VThe new Australian Blue Carbon Method is a tool for mitigating climate change while restoring coastal ecosystems: a potential “win-win.”Australian Environment Review2022Scientific publication
Laubenstein T, Smith TF, Hobday AJ, Pecl GT, Evans K, Fulton EA, & O’Donnell TThreats to Australia’s oceans and coasts: A systematic reviewOcean & Coastal Management2023Scientific publicationRead More
Lyons P, Mynott S, & Melbourne-Thomas J Enabling Indigenous innovations to re-centre social licence to operate in the Blue EconomyMarine Policy2023Scientific publicationRead More
Halpern BS, Frazier M, Verstaen J, Rayner P-E, Clawson G, Blanchard JL, Cottrell RS, Froehlich HE, Gephart JA, Jacobsen NS, Kuempel CD, McIntyre PB, Metian M, Moran D, Nash KL, Többen J, & Williams DR The environmental footprint of global food productionNature Sustainability2022Scientific publicationRead More
Mutuku J, Yanotti M, Tinch D, & Hatton MacDonald DWillingness to pay for cleaning up beach litter: A meta-analysisMarine Pollution Bulletin2022Scientific publicationRead More
Satterthwaite EV, Komyakova V, Erazo NG, Gammage L, Juma GA, Kelly R, Kleinman D, Lobelle D, James RS, & Zanuri NBMFive actionable pillars to engage the next generation of leaders in the co-design of transformative ocean solutionsPLOS Biology2022Scientific publicationRead More
Hardesty BD, Willis KA, & Vince JAn imperative to focus the plastic pollution problem on place-based solutionsFrontiers in Sustainability2022Scientific publicationRead More
Hardesty BD, Wilcox C, Vince J, & Richardson K740,000km of fishing line and 14 billion hooks: we reveal just how much fishing gear is lost at sea each yearThe Conversation2022ScientificRead More
Richardson K, Hardesty BD, Vince J, & Wilcox CGlobal estimates of fishing gear lost to the ocean each yearScience Advances2022Scientific publicationRead More
Mellin C, Hicks CC, Fordham DA, Golden CD, Kjellevold M, MacNeil MA, Maire E, Mangubhai S, Mouillot D, Nash KLL, Omukoto JO, Robinson JPW, Stuart-Smith RD, Zamborain-Mason J, Edgar GJ, & Graham NAJ Safeguarding nutrients from coral reefs under climate change.Nature Ecology & Evolution2022Scientific publicationRead More
Clere IK, Ahmmed F, Remoto PIJG, Fraser-Miller SJ, Gordon KC, Komyakova V & Allan BJM Quantification and characterization of microplastics in commercial fish from southern New ZealandMarine Pollution Bulletin2022Scientific publicationRead More
Cvitanovic C, van Putten EI, Tuohy P, & Annand-Jones RNormalizing failure: when things go wrong in participatory marine social science fieldworkICES Journal of Marine Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
Puskic PSUNOC 2022 Lisbon, PortugalCMS Blog2022BlogRead More
Coghlan AR, Blanchard JL, Heather FJ, Stuart-Smith RD, Edgar GJ & Audzijonyte A Community size structure varies with predator–prey size relationships and temperature across Australian reefsEcology and Evolution2022Scientific publicationRead More
Lindmark M, Audzijonyte A, Blanchard JL, & Gårdmark A Temperature impacts on fish physiology and resource abundance lead to faster growth but smaller fish sizes and yields under warmingGlobal Change Biology2022Scientific publicationRead More
Chrysafi A, Virkki V, Jalava M, Sandström V, Piipponen J, Porkka M, Lade SJ, la Mere K, Wang-Erlandsson L, Scherer L, Andersen LS, Bennett E, Brauman KA, Cooper GS, de Palma A, Döll P, Downing AS, DuBois TC, Fetzer I, Fulton EA, Gerten  D, Jaafar  H, Jägermeyr  J, Jaramillo  F, Jung  M, Kahiluoto  H, Lassaletta  L, Mackay AW, Mason-D’Croz  D, Mekonnen  MM, Nash KL,…, Kummu MQuantifying Earth system interactions for sustainable food production via expert elicitationNature Sustainability2022Scientific publicationRead More
Bax N & Bayley DYorke Bay, Falkland Islands: a question for coastal managementFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment2022Scientific publicationRead More
Forbes H, Shelamoff V, Visch W & Layton C Farms and forests: evaluating the biodiversity benefits of kelp aquacultureJournal of Applied Phycology2022Scientific publicationRead More
Pecl GT, Wolfe B, Champion C, Strugnell J & Watson S-AThousands of photos captured by everyday Australians reveal the secrets of our marine life as oceans warmThe Conversation2022ScientificRead More
Kelly R, Elsler LG, Polejack A, van der Linden S, Tönnesson K, Schoedinger SE, Santoro F, Pecl GT, Palmgren M, Mariani P, Glithero D, Evans K, Cvitanovic C, Cook J, Bartram J & Wisz MS Empowering young people with climate and ocean science: Five strategies for adults to considerOne Earth2022Scientific publicationRead More
Nyboer EA, Reid AJ, Jeanson AL, Kelly R, Mackay M, House J, Arnold SM, Simonin PW, Sedanza MGC, Rice ED, Quiros TEAL, Pierucci A, Ortega-Cisneros K, Nakamura JN, Melli V, Mbabazi S, Martins MSL, Ledesma ABB, Obregón C, Labatt C, Kadykalo A, Heldsinger M, Green M, … Cooke SJ Goals, challenges, and next steps in transdisciplinary fisheries research: perspectives and experiences from early-career researchersReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2022Scientific publicationRead More
Trebilco R, Fischer M, Hunter C, Hobday AJ, Thomas L, Evans KAustralia state of the environment 2021: marineIndependent report to the Australian Government Minister for the Environment, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra2022ReportRead More
Willis KA, Jones T, Cohen R, Burgess H, Lindsey J & Parrish JUsing long-term citizen science data to distinguish zones of debris accumulationMarine Pollution Bulletin2022Scientific publicationRead More
Frazão Santos C, Agardy T, Allison EH, Bennett NJ, Blythe JL, Calado H, Crowder LB, Day JC, Flannery W, Gissi E, Gjerde KM, Gobin JF, Mulalap CY, Orbach M, Pecl GT, Scherer M, Shelton AJ, Vieira da Silva C, Villasante S & Wedding L A sustainable ocean for allnpj Ocean Sustainability2022Scientific publicationRead More
Hernández-Blanco M, Costanza R, Chen H, deGroot D, Jarvis D, Kubiszewski I, Montoya J, Sangha K, Stoeckl N, Turner K & van ‘t Hoff V Ecosystem health, ecosystem services, and the well-being of humans and the rest of natureGlobal Change Biology2022Scientific publicationRead More
Layton C, Vermont H, Beggs H, Brassington GB, Burke AD, Hepburn L, Holbrook N, Marshall‐Grey W, Mesaglio T, Parvizi E, Rankin J, Semolini Pilo G, & Velásquez MGiant kelp rafts wash ashore 450 km from the nearest populations and against the dominant ocean currentEcology2022Scientific publicationRead More
Gallagher JB, Shelamoff V & Layton C Seaweed ecosystems may not mitigate CO2emissionsICES Journal of Marine Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
dos Santos Schmidt TC, Berg F, Folkvord A, Pires AMA, Komyakova V, Tiedemann M & Kjesbu OS Is it possible to photoperiod manipulate spawning time in planktivorous fish? A long-term experiment on Atlantic herringJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2022Scientific publicationRead More
McKinley E, Kelly R, Mackay M, Shellock R, Cvitanovic C & van Putten IDevelopment and expansion in the marine social sciences: Insights from the global communityIScience2022Scientific publicationRead More
Spillias S, Cottrell RS, Kelly R, O’Brien KR, Adams J, Bellgrove A, Kelly B, Kilpatrick C, Layton C, MacLeod C, Roberts S, Stringer D, & McDonald-Madden EExpert perceptions of seaweed farming for sustainable developmentJournal of Cleaner Production2022Scientific publicationRead More
Constable A, French S, Karoblyte V & Viner DDecision-Making for Managing Climate-Related Risks: Unpacking the Decision Process to Avoid “Trial-and-Error”Frontiers in Climate2022Scientific publicationRead More
Lavers JL JL, Bond AL, & Rolsky C Far from a distraction: Plastic pollution and the planetary emergencyBiological Conservation2022Scientific publicationRead More
Press AJ & Constable A Conservation Law in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean: the Antarctic Treaty System, conservation, and environmental protectionAustralian Journal of International Affairs2022Scientific publicationRead More
Mills KE, Armitage D, Eurich JG, Kleisner KM, Pecl GT, & Tokunaga K Co-production of knowledge and strategies to support climate resilient fisheriesICES Journal of Marine Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
Bindoff NL, Boyd PW, Constable A, King MA, McGee J & Pecl GT Antarctica and the Southern Ocean: insights from the 2022 IPCC WGII reportAAPP & ACEAS2022ReportRead More
Lavers JL, Carey GR, Guilfoyle DR & Reynolds RImpact of bushfires on seabird breeding islands in southwest Australia: a case study for developing a community-based model in adaptive managementHuman Ecology2022Scientific publicationRead More
Bax N, Barnes DKA, Pineda-Metz SEA, Pearman T, Diesing M, Carter S, Downey RV, Evans CD, Brickle P, Baylis AMM, Adler AM, Guest A, Layton KKS, Brewin PE & Bayley DTI Incorporation of Blue Carbon in Falkland Islands Marine Spatial Planning: A Multi-Tiered ApproachFrontiers in Marine Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
Strain EMA, Lai RWS., White CA, Piarulli S, Leung KMY, Airoldi L & O’Brien AEditorial: Marine Pollution - Emerging Issues and ChallengesFrontiers in Marine Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
Subramaniam RC, Corney SP, Melbourne-Thomas J , Péron C, Ziegler P, & Swadling KM Spatially explicit food web modelling to consider fisheries impacts and ecosystem representation within Marine Protected Areas on the Kerguelen PlateauICES Journal of Marine Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
Shellock R, Cvitanovic C, Mackay M, McKinnon M, Blythe J, Kelly R, van Putten EI, Tuohy P, Bailey M, Begossi A, Crona B, Fakoya K, Ferreira B, Ferrer A, Frangoudes K, Gobin J, Goh H, Haapasaari P, Hardesty BD, Häussermann V, Hoareau K, Hornidge A, Isaacs M, Kraan M, Li Y, Liu M, Lopes P, Mlakar M, Morrison T, Oxenford H, Pecl GT, Penca J, Robinson C, Selim S, Skern-Mauritzen M, Soejima K, Soto D, Spalding A, Vadrot A, Vaidianu N, Webber M & Wisz M Breaking down barriers: The identification of actions to promote gender equality in interdisciplinary marine research institutionsOne Earth2022Scientific publicationRead More
Willis KA, Hardesty BD, Wilcox C & Vince JLocal efforts have cut plastic waste on Australia’s beaches by almost 30% in 6 yearsThe Conversation2022ScientificRead More
Willis K, Hardesty BD, Vince J & Wilcox C Local waste management successfully reduces coastal plastic pollutionOne Earth2022Scientific publicationRead More
Turschwell M, Hayes M, Lacharité M, Abundo M, Adams J, Blanchard JL, Brain E, Buelow C, Bulman C, Condie S, Connolly R, Dutton I, Fulton E, Gallagher S, Maynard D, Pethybridge H, Plagányi É, Porobic J, Taelman S, Trebilco R, Woods G &Brown CJA review of support tools to assess multi-sector interactions in the emerging offshore Blue EconomyEnvironmental Science & Policy2022Scientific publicationRead More
Weiskopf SR, Harmáčková ZV, Johnson CG, Londoño-Murcia MC, Miller BW, Myers BJE, Pereira L, Arce-Plata MI, Blanchard JL, Ferrier S, Fulton EA, Harfoot M, Isbell F, Johnson JA, Mori AS, Weng E & Rosa IMDIncreasing the uptake of ecological model results in policy decisions to improve biodiversity outcomesEnvironmental Modelling & Software2022Scientific publicationRead More
Constable AImperatives for integrated science and policy in managing greenhouse gas risks to the Southern Polar RegionGlobal Change Biology2022Scientific publicationRead More
Beasy K, Lucas C, Mocatta G, Pecl G & Kelly RHow well does the new Australian Curriculum prepare young people for climate change?The Conversation2022ScientificRead More
Murunga M, Pecl GT, Ogier EM, Leith P, MacLeod C, Kelly R, Corney S, van Putten EI, Mossop D, Cullen-Knox C, Bettiol S, Fox-Hughes P, Sharples C & Nettlefold J More than just information: what does the public want to know about climate change?Ecology and Society2022Scientific publicationRead More
Karcher DB, Cvitanovic C, Shellock R, Hobday AJ, Stephenson RL, Dickey-Collas M & van Putten EI More than money - The costs of knowledge exchange at the interface of science and policyOcean & Coastal Management2022Scientific publicationRead More
Nash KL, Macneil MA, Blanchard JL, Cohen PJ, Farmery A, Graham NAJ, Thorne-Lyman AL, Watson RA & Hicks CC Trade and foreign fishing mediate global marine nutrient supplyPNAS2022Scientific publicationRead More
Karcher DB, Cvitanovic C, van Putten EI, Colvin RM, Armitage D, Aswani S, Ballesteros M, Ban NC, Barragán-Paladines MJ, Bednarek A, Bell JD, Brooks CM, Daw TM, de la Cruz-Modino R, Francis TB, Fulton EA, Hobday AJ, Holcer D, Hudson C, … Zhang J Lessons from bright-spots for advancing knowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policyJournal of Environmental Management2022Scientific publicationRead More
Kelly R, Foley P, Stephenson RL, Hobday AJ, Pecl GT, Boschetti F, Cvitanovic C, Fleming A, Fulton EA, Nash KL, Neis B, Singh GG & van Putten EIForesighting future oceans: Considerations and opportunitiesMarine Policy2022Scientific publicationRead More
Green M, Appleyard SA, White WT, Tracey S, Heupel MR, & Ovenden JRUpdated connectivity assessment for the scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) in Pacific and Indian Oceans using a multi-marker genetic approachFisheries Research2022Scientific publicationRead More
Goldworthy LConsensus decision-making in CCAMLR: Achilles’ heel or fundamental to its success?International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics2022Scientific publicationRead More
Komyakova V, Jaffrés JBD, Strain EMA, Cullen-Knox C, Fudge M, Langhamer O, Bender A, Yaakub SM, Wilson E, Allan BJM, Sella I, & Haward MConceptualisation of multiple impacts interacting in the marine environment using marine infrastructure as an exampleScience of The Total Environment2022Scientific publicationRead More
Schuyler Q, Hardesty BD, Lawson T & Wilcox CEnvironmental context and socio-economic status drive plastic pollution in Australian citiesEnvironmental Research Letters2022Scientific publicationRead More
Johnson MS, Adams VM, Byrne J & Harris RMBThe benefits of Q + PPGIS for coupled human-natural systems research: A systematic reviewAmbio2022Scientific publicationRead More
Alexander KA, Marx K, Hunt L & Zhang MAntarctic representation in print media during the emergence of COVID-19Antarctic Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
Murunga MPublic engagement for social transformation: Informing or Empowering?Environmental Science & Policy2022Scientific publicationRead More
Ramos JE, Tam J, Aramayo V, Briceño FA, Bandin R, Buitron B, Cuba A, Fernandez E, Flores-Valiente J, Gomez E, Jara HJ, Ñiquen M, Rujel J, Salazar CM, Sanjinez M, León RI, Nelson M, Gutiérrez D & Pecl GT Climate vulnerability assessment of key fishery resources in the Northern Humboldt Current SystemScientific reports2022Scientific publicationRead More
Hoenner X, Barlian E, Ernawati T, Hardesty BD, Kembaren DD, Mous PJ, Sadiyah L, Satria F & Wilcox C Using anti-theft tracking devices to infer fishing vessel activity at seaFisheries Research2022Scientific publicationRead More
McLean DL, Ferreira LC, Benthuysen JA, Miller KJ, Schläppy M, Ajemian MJ, Berry O, Birchenough SNR, Bond T, Boschetti F, Bull AS, Claisse JT, Condie SA, Consoli P, Coolen JWP, Elliott M, Fortune IS, Fowler AM, Gillanders BM, … ,Pecl GT, …,Thums MInfluence of offshore oil and gas structures on seascape ecological connectivityGlobal Change Biology2022Scientific publicationRead More
Wootton HF, Morrongiello JR, Schmitt T & Audzijonyte ASmaller adult fish size in warmer water is not explained by elevated metabolismEcology Letters2022Scientific publicationRead More
Manon SEnhancing the Weather: Governance of Weather Modification Activities of the United StatesWilliam & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review2021Scientific publicationRead More
Ward D, Melbourne-Thomas J , Pecl GT, Evans K, Green M, McCormack PC, Novaglio C, Trebilco R, Bax N, Brasier MJ, Cavan EL, Edgar G, Hunt HL, Jansen J, Jones R, Lea M-A, Makomere R, Mull C, Semmens JM, Shaw J, Tinch DR, van Steveninck TJ, & Layton CSafeguarding marine life: conservation of biodiversity and ecosystemsReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2022Scientific publicationRead More
Pecl GT, Alexander KA, Melbourne-Thomas J , Novaglio C, Villanueva C, & Nash KL Future Seas 2030: pathways to sustainability for the UN Ocean Decade and beyondReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2022Scientific publicationRead More
Clawson G, Kuempel CD, Frazier M, Blasco G, Cottrell RS, Froehlich HE, Metian M, Nash KL, Többen J, Verstaen J, Williams DR, & Halpern BSMapping the spatial distribution of global mariculture productionAquaculture2022Scientific publicationRead More
Robinson JPW, Nash KL, Blanchard JL, Jacobsen NS, Maire E, Graham NAJ, MacNeil MA, Zamborain‐Mason J, Allison EH, & Hicks CCManaging fisheries for maximum nutrient yield. Fish and FisheriesFish and Fisheries2022Scientific publicationRead More
Condie CM, Vince J, & Alexander KA The long-term evolution of news media in defining socio-ecological conflict: A case study of expanding aquacultureMarine Policy2022Scientific publicationRead More
Gallagher JB, Shelamoff V & Layton C Seaweed ecosystems may not mitigate CO2 emissionsICES Journal of Marine Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
Frohlich M, Smith TF, Fidelman P, Baldwin C, Jacobson C, & Carter R W (Bill) Towards adaptive coastal management law: Lessons from Australia and BrazilOcean & Coastal Management2022Scientific publicationRead More
Dodds KC, Schaefer N, Bishop MJ, Nakagawa S, Brooks PR, Knights AM, & Strain EMAMaterial type influences the abundance but not richness of colonising organisms on marine structuresJournal of Environmental Management2022Scientific publicationRead More
Sbrocchi C, Pecl GT, van Putten I, & Roetman PA Citizen Science Community of Practice: Relational Patterns Contributing to Shared PracticeCitizen Science: Theory and Practice2022Scientific publicationRead More
Novaglio C, Blanchard JL, Plank MJ, van Putten EI, Audzijonyte A, Porobic J, & Fulton EAExploring trade‐offs in mixed fisheries by integrating fleet dynamics into multispecies size‐spectrum modelsJournal of Applied Ecology2021Scientific publicationRead More
Alexander KAA social license to operate for aquaculture: Reflections from TasmaniaAquaculture2022Scientific publicationRead More
Ottersen G, Constable A, Hollowed AB, Holsman KK, Melbourne-Thomas J , Muelbert MMC, & Skern-Mauritzen M Climate Change Impacts on Polar Marine Ecosystems: Toward Robust Approaches for Managing Risks and UncertaintiesFrontiers in Climate2022Scientific publicationRead More
Nash KLFuture seasCosmos Magazine2021ScientificRead More
Blythe J, Wabnitz C, Pickering G, Baird J, Nash KL, & Bennett NVirtual reality may help us develop empathy for oceans and marine lifeThe Conversation2021ScientificRead More
Blount C, Komyakova V, Barnes L, Smith ML, Zhang D, Reeds K, McPhee D, Taylor MD, Macbeth W, & Needham E Using ecological evidence to refine approaches to deploying offshore artificial reefs for recreational fisheriesBulletin of Marine Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
Blythe J, Baird J, Bennett N, Dale G, Nash KL, Pickering G, & Wabnitz CCCFostering ocean empathy through future scenariosPeople and Nature2021Scientific publicationRead More
van Putten EI, Ison S, Cvitanovic C, Hobday AJ, & Thomas L Who has influence?: The role of trust and communication in the conservation of flatback turtles in Western AustraliaRegional Studies in Marine Science2022Scientific publicationRead More
Condie CM, Vince J & Alexander KA Increasing polarisation in attitudes to aquaculture: Evidence from sequential government inquiriesMarine Policy2022Scientific publicationRead More
Mason JG, Eurich JG, Lau JD, Battista W, Free CM, Mills KE, Tokunaga K, Zhao LZ, Dickey‐Collas M, Valle M, Pecl GT, Cinner JE, McClanahan TR, Allison EH, Friedman WR, Silva C, Yáñez E, Barbieri MÁ, & Kleisner KM Attributes of climate resilience in fisheries: From theory to practiceFish and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Layton C & Coleman MCan selective breeding of ‘super kelp’ save our cold water reefs from hotter seas?The Conversation2021ScientificRead More
Eccleston R et alDiscussion paper: Towards a climate-positive TasmaniaUTAS discussion paper2021ScientificRead More
Puskic PS & Coghlan AR Minimal meso-plastics detected in Australian coastal reef fishMarine Pollution Bulletin2021Scientific publicationRead More
Sumaila UR, ..., van Putten EI, et al WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidiesScience2021Scientific publicationRead More
Tittensor DP, Novaglio C, Harrison CS, Heneghan RF, Barrier N, Bianchi D, Bopp L, Bryndum-Buchholz A, Britten GL, Büchner M, Cheung WWL, Christensen V, Coll M, Dunne JP, Eddy TD, Everett JD, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Fulton EA, Galbraith ED, … ,Blanchard JLNext-generation ensemble projections reveal higher climate risks for marine ecosystemsNature Climate Change2021Scientific publicationRead More
McCormack SA, Melbourne-Thomas J , Trebilco R, Griffith G, Hill SL, Hoover C, Johnston NM, Marina TI, Murphy EJ, Pakhomov EA, Pinkerton M, Plagányi É, Saravia LA, Subramaniam RC, van de Putte AP, & Constable AJSouthern Ocean Food Web Modelling: Progress, Prognoses, and Future Priorities for Research and Policy MakersFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution2021Scientific publicationRead More
Fudge M, Alexander KA, Ogier E, Leith P, & Haward MA critique of the participation norm in marine governance: Bringing legitimacy into the frameEnvironmental Science & Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Steenbeek J, Buszowski J, Chagaris D, Christensen V, Coll M, Fulton EA, Katsanevakis S, Lewis KA, Mazaris AD, Macias D, de Mutsert K, Oldford G, Pennino MG, Piroddi C, Romagnoni G, Serpetti N, Shin Y-J, Spence MA, & Stelzenmüller VMaking spatial-temporal marine ecosystem modelling better – a perspectiveEnvironmental Modelling & Software2021Scientific publicationRead More
Voyer M, Allison EH, Farmery A, Fabinyi M, Steenbergen DJ, van Putten I, Song AM, Ogier E, Benzaken D, & Andrew N The role of voluntary commitments in realizing the promise of the Blue EconomyGlobal Environmental Change2021Scientific publicationRead More
Wieczorek AM, Schadeberg A, Krogh Hallin J, van Putten I, Kraak SBM, Richter A, Clay PM, Goti Aralucea L, Pedreschi D, Hamon KG, Dankel DJ & Mackay M Behavioural economics in fisheries: A systematic review protocolPLOS ONE2021Scientific publicationRead More
Cvitanovic C, Mackay M, Kelly R, Wilson SK, Waples K, Nash KL, van Putten EI, Field S, Botterill-James T, Austin BJ, Beckley LE, Boschetti F, Depczynski M, Dobbs RJ, Evans RD, Feng M, Goater RK, Halford AR, Kendrick A, … Mathews D Thirty critical research needs for managing an ecologically and culturally unique remote marine environment: The Kimberley region of Western AustraliaOcean & Coastal Management2021Scientific publicationRead More
Spence MA, Thorpe RB, Blackwell PG, Scott F, Southwell R, & Blanchard JL Quantifying uncertainty and dynamical changes in multi‐species fishing mortality rates, catches and biomass by combining state‐space and size‐based multi‐species modelsFish and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Simmons BI, Blyth PSA, Blanchard JL, Clegg T, Delmas E, Garnier A, Griffiths CA, Jacob U, Pennekamp F, Petchey OL, Poisot T, Webb TJ & Beckerman APRefocusing multiple stressor research around the targets and scales of ecological impactsNature Ecology & Evolution2021Scientific publicationRead More
Stevenson SL, Watermeyer K, Caggiano G, Fulton EA, Ferrier S, & Nicholson EMatching biodiversity indicators to policy needsConservation Biology2021Scientific publicationRead More
Trebilco R, Fleming A, Hobday AJ, Melbourne-Thomas J , Meyer A, McDonald J, McCormack PC, Anderson K, Bax N, Corney SP, Dutra LXC, Fogarty HE, McGee J, Mustonen K, Mustonen T, Norris KA, Ogier E, Constable A, & Pecl GTWarming world, changing ocean: mitigation and adaptation to support resilient marine systemsReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Cvitanovic C, Mackay M, Shellock RJ, van Putten EI, Karcher DB, & Dickey-Collas MUnderstanding and evidencing a broader range of ‘successes’ that can occur at the interface of marine science and policyMarine Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Roman L, Warmbrunn A, Lawson TJ, Willis KA, Wilcox C, & Hardesty BDComparing marine anthropogenic debris on inhabited mainland beaches, coastal islands, and uninhabited offshore islands: A case study from Queensland and the Coral Sea, AustraliaMarine Pollution Bulletin2021Scientific publicationRead More
Karcher DB, Cvitanovic C, Colvin RM, van Putten EI, & Reed MSIs this what success looks like? Mismatches between the aims, claims, and evidence used to demonstrate impact from knowledge exchange processes at the interface of environmental science and policyEnvironmental Science & Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Briton F, Thébaud O, Macher C, Gardner C, & Little LR Flexibility of joint production in mixed fisheries and implications for managementICES Journal of Marine Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
McPhail D, & McDonald J All at Sea: Preparing the Law for Offshore Aquaculture in AustraliaEnvironmental and Planning Law Journal2021Scientific publication
McDonald J, & McCormack PCRethinking the role of law in adapting to climate changeWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change2021Scientific publicationRead More
Goldworthy L‘Best available science’ approach to management decisions by the Commission for the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Living Resources: consistent or selective?Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs2021Scientific publicationRead More
Chambers JM, Wyborn C, Ryan ME, Reid RS, Riechers M, Serban A, Bennett NJ, Cvitanovic C, Fernández-Giménez ME, Galvin KA, Goldstein BE, Klenk NL, Tengö M, Brennan R, Cockburn JJ, Hill R, Munera C, Nel JL, Österblom H, Bednarek AT, Bennett EM, Brandeis A, Charli-Joseph L, Chatterton P, Curran K, Dumrongrojwatthana P, Durán AP, Fada SJ, Gerber JD, Green JMH, Guerrero AM, Haller T, Horcea-Milcu AI, Leimona B, Montana J, Rondeau R, Spierenburg M, Steyaert P, Zaehringer JG, Gruby R, Hutton J & Pickering T Six modes of co-production for sustainabilityNature Sustainability2021Scientific publicationRead More
Cullen-Knox C, Fleming A, Lester L & Ogier EPerceiving Environmental Science, Risk and Industry Regulation in the Mediatised Vicious Cycles of the Tasmanian Salmon Aquaculture IndustrySocial Epistemology2021Scientific publicationRead More
Fischer M, Maxwell K, Nuunoq, Pedersen H, Greeno D, Jingwas N, Graham Blair J, Hugu S, Mustonen T, Murtomäki E, & Mustonen K.Empowering her guardians to nurture our Ocean’s futureReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Stoeckl N, Condie S, & Anthony K Assessing changes to ecosystem service values at large geographic scale: A case study for Australia’s Great Barrier ReefEcosystem Services2021Scientific publicationRead More
Franco-Meléndez M, Tam J, van Putten EI, & Cubillos LA Integrating human and ecological dimensions: The importance of stakeholders’ perceptions and participation on the performance of fisheries co-management in ChilePLOS ONE2021Scientific publicationRead More
Komyakova V, Chamberlain D & Swearer SE A multi-species assessment of artificial reefs as ecological trapsEcological Engineering2021Scientific publicationRead More
Willis KA, Serra-Goncalves C, Richardson K, Schuyler QA, Pedersen H, Anderson K, Stark J, Vince J, Hardesty BD, Wilcox C, Nowak B, Lavers JL, Semmens JM, Greeno D, MacLeod C, Frederiksen NPO & Puskic PSCleaner Seas: reducing marine pollutionReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Nash KL, van Putten I, Alexander KA, Bettiol S, Cvitanovic C, Farmery AK, Flies EJ, Ison S, Kelly R, Mackay M, Murray L, Norris K, Robinson LM, Scott J, Ward D & Vince J Oceans and society: Feedbacks between ocean and human healthReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Cvitanovic C, Wyborn C, Glenn E, Kelly R, Louder E, van Putten EI & Bednarek A Ten Considerations for Research Funders Seeking to Enhance Knowledge Exchange and the Impact of Marine Science on Policy and PracticeFrontiers in Marine Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
Seto K, Galland GR, McDonald A, Abolhassani A, Azmi K, Sinan H, Timmiss T, Bailey M & Hanich Q Resource allocation in transboundary tuna fisheries: A global analysisAmbio2021Scientific publicationRead More
Grover IM, Tocock MS, Tinch DR & Hatton MacDonald D Investigating public preferences for the management of native and invasive species in the context of kelp restorationMarine Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Stoett P & Vince JThe Marine Debris Nexus: Plastic, Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Human Health’, in B Siebenhüner & R Djalante (eds), Adaptiveness: Changing Earth System GovernanceCambridge University Press2021Book chapterRead More
Richardson K, Hardesty BD, Vince JZ & Wilcox CGlobal Causes, Drivers, and Prevention Measures for Lost Fishing GearFrontiers in Marine Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
Kang B, Pecl GT, Lin L, Sun P, Zhang P, Li Y, Zhao L, Peng X, Yan Y, Shen C & Niu WClimate change impacts on China’s marine ecosystemsReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
van Putten I, Kelly R, Cavanagh RD, Murphy EJ, Breckwoldt A, Brodie S, Cvitanovic C, Dickey-Collas M, Maddison L, Melbourne-Thomas J , Arrizabalaga H, Azetsu-Scott K, Beckley LE, Bellerby R, Constable A, Cowie G, Evans K, Glaser M, Hall J, Hobday AJ, Johnston NM, Llopiz JK, Mueter F, Muller-Karger FE, Weng KC, Wolf-Gladrow D & Xavier JC A Decade of Incorporating Social Sciences in the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research Project (IMBeR): Much Done, Much to Do?Frontiers in Marine Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
Robinson LM, van Putten I, Cavve BS, Longo C, Watson M, Bellchambers L, Fisher E & Boschetti F Understanding societal approval of the fishing industry and the influence of third- ¬ party sustainability certificationFish and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Ison S, Pecl GT, Hobday AJ, Cvitanovic C & van Putten IStakeholder influence and relationships inform engagement strategies in marine conservationEcosystems and People2021Scientific publicationRead More
Fogarty HE, Cvitanovic C, Hobday AJ & Pecl GTStakeholder perceptions on actions for marine fisheries adaptation to climate changeMarine and Freshwater Research2021Scientific publicationRead More
Kaikkonen L & van Putten EI We may not know much about the deep sea, but do we care about mining it?People and Nature2021Scientific publicationRead More
McDonald J, Gardner C & Feehely JThe risks and benefits of a Deed of Agreement for the Tasmanian Rock Lobster FisheryIMAS report2021ReportRead More
van Putten EI, Pinkard E, Grady AO, Schmidt RK, Cresswell I, Raoult V & Taylor MD Stakeholder perspectives on the value proposition of enterprise level natural capital accounting for three primary industriesEnvironment Systems and Decisions2021Scientific publicationRead More
Farmery A, Alexander KA, Anderson K, Blanchard J, Carter C, Evans K, Fischer M, Fleming A, Frusher S, Fulton EA, Haas B, MacLeod C, Murray L, Nash KL, Pecl GT, Rousseau Y, Trebilco R, van Putten I, Mauli S, Dutra L, Greeno D, Kaltavara J, Watson R & Nowak B Food for all: designing sustainable and secure future seafood systemsReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Alexander KA, Fleming A, Bax N, Garcia C, Jansen J, Maxwell KH, Melbourne-Thomas J , Mustonen T, Pecl GT, Shaw J, Syme G & Ogier E Equity of our future oceans: practices and outcomes in marine science researchReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Roberts L, Kutay C, Melbourne-Thomas J , Petrou K, Benson TM, Fiore D, Fletcher P, Johnson E, Silk M, Taberner S, Vargas Filgueira V & Constable AEnabling Enduring Evidence-Based Policy for the Southern Ocean Through Cultural Arts PracticesFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution2021Scientific publicationRead More
Fudge M, Ogier E & Alexander KA Emerging functions of the wellbeing concept in regional development scholarship: A reviewEnvironmental Science and Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Solomonsz J, Melbourne-Thomas J , Constable A, Trebilco R, van Putten EI, Goldworthy L Stakeholder engagement in decision making and pathways of influence for Southern Ocean ecosystem servicesFrontiers in Marine Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
Goldworthy L & Brennan EClimate change in the Southern Ocean: Is the Commission for the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources doing enough ?Marine Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Gervais CR, Champion C & Pecl GT Species on the move around the Australian coastline: a continental scale review of climate‐driven species redistribution in marine systemsGlobal Change Biology2021Scientific publicationRead More
Haward M & Haas BThe Need for Social Considerations in SDG 14Frontiers in Marine Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
Rubio I, Hobday AJ & Ojea E Skippers’ preferred adaptation and transformation responses to catch declines in a large-scale tuna fisheryICES Journal of Marine Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
Condie SA, Anthony KRN, Babcock RC, Baird ME, Beeden R, Fletcher CS, Gorton R, Harrison D, Hobday AJ, Plagányi ÉE & Westcott DALarge-scale interventions may delay decline of the Great Barrier ReefRoyal Society Open Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
Mustonen T, Maxwell KH, Mustonen K, Jones R, Pedersen H, Fredriksen PO (Nunnoq), Graham J, Greeno D, Hugu S, Fischer M & Murtomäki E Who is the Ocean? Preface to the Future Seas 2030 Special IssueReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Kelly R, Singh PA, Cedras R, Dinoi A, Giddens J, Giron-Nava A, Mason C, Ortunio Crespo G, & Puskic PS A new generation of ocean leadersThe Conversation2021ScientificRead More
Richardson K, Wilcox C, Vince J & Hardesty BD Challenges and misperceptions around global fishing gear loss estimatesMarine Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Fulton EAOpportunities to improve ecosystem-based fisheries management by recognizing and overcoming path dependency and cognitive biasFish and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Melbourne-Thomas J , Audzijonyte A, Brasier MJ, Cresswell K, Fogarty HE, Haward M, Hobday AJ, Hunt HL, Ling SD, McCormack PC, Mustonen T, Mustonen K, Nye J, Oellermann M, Trebilco R, van Putten EI, Villanueva C, Watson R & Pecl GT Poleward Bound: Adapting to climate-driven species redistributionReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Schodield J, Praet E, Townsend KA & Vince J 'COVID waste' and social media as method : an archaeology of personal protective equipment and its contribution to policyAntiquity2021Scientific publicationRead More
Willis KA, Hardesty BD & Wilcox CState and local pressures drive plastic pollution compliance strategiesJournal of Environmental Management2021Scientific publicationRead More
Murunga MTowards a better understanding of gendered power in small scale fisheries of the Western Indian OceanGlobal Environmental Change2021Scientific publicationRead More
Stephenson RL, Hobday AJ, Allison EH, Armitage D, Brooks K, Bundy A, Cvitanovic C, Dickey-Collas M, de Miranda Grilli N, Gomez C, Jarre A, Kaikkonen L, Kelly R, López R, Muhl E-K, Pennino MG, Tam JC & van Putten EIThe Quilt of Sustainable Ocean Governance: Patterns for PractitionersFrontiers in Marine Science2021Scientific publicationRead More
Bax N, Novaglio C, Maxwell KH, Meyers K, McCann J, Jennings S, Frusher S, Fulton EA, Nursey-Bray M, Fischer M, Anderson K, Layton C, Emad R, Alexander KA, Rousseau Y, Lunn Z & Carter CGOcean resource use: building the coastal blue economyReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Bergstrom DM, Wienecke BC, van den Hoff J, Hughes L, Lindenmayer DB, Ainsworth TD, Baker CM, Bland L, Bowman DMJS, Brooks ST, Canadell JG, Constable A, Dafforn KA, Depledge MH, Dickson CR, Duke NC, Helmstedt KJ, Holz A, Johnson CR, Mcgeoch MA, Melbourne-Thomas J , Morgain R, Nicholson E, Prober SM, Raymond B, Ritchie EG, Robinson SA, Ruthrof KX, Setterfield SA, Sgrò CM, Stark JS, Travers T, Trebilco R, Ward DFL, Wardle GM, Williams KJ, Zylstra PJ & Shaw JD Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the AntarcticGlobal Change Biology2021Scientific publicationRead More
Frohlich MF, Smith TF, Fidelman P, Baldwin C, Jacobson C & Carter RW (Bill) Legal barriers to adaptive coastal management at a coastal erosion hotspot in Florianopolis, BrazilMarine Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Fogarty HE & Pecl GT Chapter 15. Lessons and recommendations for the climate adaptation of key Tasmanian fisheriesFAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 6672021ReportRead More
Love D, Allison E, Asche F, Belton B, Cottrell RS, Froehlich H, Gephart J, Hicks C, Little D, Nussbaumer E, da Silva PP, Poulain F, Rubio A, Stoll J, Tlusty M, Thorne-Lyman A, Troell M & Zhang W Emerging COVID-19 impacts, responses, and lessons for building resilience in the seafood systemGlobal Food Security2021Scientific publicationRead More
Kelly R, Evans K, Alexander KA, Bettiol S, Corney SP, Cullen-Knox C, Cvitanovic C, de Salas K, Emad GR, Fullbrook L, Garcia C, Ison S, Ling SD, MacLeod C, Meyer A, Murray L, Murunga M, Nash KL, Norris K, Oellermann M, Scott J, Stark J, Wood G & Pecl GTConnecting to the oceans: Supporting ocean literacy and public engagementReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Cottrell RS, Metian M, Froehlich HE, Blanchard J, Jacobsen NS, Mcintyre PB, Nash KL & Williams DR Opinion: Time to rethink trophic levels in aquaculture policyReviews in Aquaculture2021Scientific publicationRead More
Busilacchi S, Butler JRA, van Putten EI, Cosijn M, Posu J, Fitriana R & Slamet A Why does illegal wildlife trade persist in spite of legal alternatives in transboundary regions ?Human Dimensions of Wildlife2021Scientific publicationRead More
Murunga M, Partelow S & Breckwoldt ADrivers of collective action and role of conflict in Kenyan fisheries co-managementWorld Development2021Scientific publicationRead More
Cottrell RS, Blanchard J, Halpern BS, Metian M & Froehlich HEGlobal adoption of novel aquaculture feeds could substantially reduce forage fish demand by 2030Nature Food2020Scientific publicationRead More
Vince J, Hardesty BD & Wilcox C Progress and challenges in eliminating illegal fishingFish and Fisheries2020Scientific publicationRead More
Froehlich HE, Gentry RR, Lester SE, Cottrell RS, Fay G, Branch TA, Gephart JA, White ER & Baum JKSecuring a sustainable future for US seafood in the wake of a global crisisMarine Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Condie SA & Condie CM Stochastic events can explain sustained clustering and polarisation of opinions in social networksScientific Reports2021Scientific publicationRead More
Edwards P, Fleming A & Kelly R Responsible research and innovation and social licence to operate: aligning concepts for advancing marine innovation and development governanceCurrent Opinion in Environmental Sustainability2021Scientific publicationRead More
Smith DC, Haddon M, Punt AE, Gardner C, Little LR, Mayfield S, O’Neill MF, Saunders T, Stewart J, Wise B, Fulton EA & Conron S Evaluating the potential for an increased and sustainable commercial fisheries production across multiple jurisdictions and diverse fisheriesMarine Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Novaglio C, Bax N, Boschetti F, Emad GR, Frusher S, Fullbrook L, Hemer M, Jennings S, van Putten I, Robinson LM, Spain E, Vince J, Voyer M, Wood G & Fulton EADeep aspirations: towards a sustainable offshore Blue EconomyReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Hardesty BD, Wilcox C, Ford J & Mackay MCrimes at sea: when we frame illegal fishers as human and drug smugglers, everyone losesThe Conversation2021ScientificRead More
Lawless S, Cohen PJ, Mangubhai S, Kleiber D & Morrison TH Gender equality is diluted in commitments made to small-scale fisheriesWorld Development2021Scientific publicationRead More
Haas B, Mackay M, Novaglio C, Fullbrook L, Murunga M, Sbrocchi C, McDonald J, McCormack PC, Alexander K, Fudge M, Goldworthy L, Boschetti F, Dutton I, Dutra LXC, McGee J, Rousseau Y, Spain E, Stephenson RL, Vince J, Wilcox C & Haward M The future of ocean governanceReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Nash KL, Alexander KA, Melbourne-Thomas J , Novaglio C, Sbrocchi C, Villanueva C & Pecl GTDeveloping achievable alternate futures for key challenges during the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable DevelopmentReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries2021Scientific publicationRead More
Louder E, Wyborn C, Cvitanovic C & Bednarek ATA synthesis of the frameworks available to guide evaluations at the interface of environmental science on policy and practiceEnvironmental Science and Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Fogarty HE, Cvitanovic C, Hobday AJ & Pecl GTAn assessment of how Australian fisheries management plans account for climate change impactsFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Osmundsen TC, Amundsen VS, Alexander KA, Asche F, Bailey J, Finstad B, Olsen MS, Hernández K & Salgado HThe operationalisation of sustainability: Sustainable aquaculture production as defined by certification schemesGlobal Environmental Change2020Scientific publicationRead More
Chikudza L, Gauzente C, Guillotreau P & Alexander KAProducer perceptions of the incentives and challenges of adopting ecolabels in the European finfish aquaculture industry: A Q-methodology approachMarine Policy2020Scientific publicationRead More
Subramaniam RC, Melbourne-Thomas J , Corney SP, Alexander K, Péron C, Ziegler P & Swadling KMTime-dynamic food web modeling to explore environmental drivers of ecosystem change on the Kerguelen PlateauFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Sumby, J, Haward M, Fulton EA & Pecl GT Hot fish: The response to climate change by regional fisheries bodiesMarine Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Fudge M, Ogier E & Alexander KA Emerging functions of the wellbeing concept in regional development scholarship: A reviewEnvironmental Science and Policy2021Scientific publicationRead More
Alexander KA, Amundsen VS & Osmundsen TC'Social stuff' and all that jazz: Understanding the residual category of social sustainabilityEnvironmental Science and Policy2020Scientific publicationRead More
McDonald J, McGee J & Barnes, R (eds)Research Handbook on Climate Change, Oceans and CoastsElgar2020BookRead More
Hobday AJ, Boschetti F, Moeseneder C, Stephenson RL, Bessey C, Bulman CM, Contardo S, Cvitanovic C, Dambacher JM, Dutra LXC, Fulton EA, Lenton A, Little LR, Mapstone B, McDonald KS, Plagányi EE Pethybridge H, Rothlisberg P, Strzelecki J, Thompson PA & van Putten EIQuantitative foresighting as a means of improving anticipatory scientific capacity and strategic planningOne Earth2020Scientific publicationRead More
Zhang M, Haward M & McGee JMarine plastic pollution in the polar south: Responses from Antarctic Treaty SystemPolar Record2020Scientific publicationRead More
Blythe J & Cvitanovic CFive Organizational Features That Enable Successful Interdisciplinary Marine ResearchFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Brasier MJ, McCormack S, Bax N, Caccavo JA, Cavan E, Ericson JA, Figuerola B, Hancock A, Halfter S, Hellessey N, Höfer J, Puskic PS, de Oliveira CS, Subramaniam RC, Wallis J & Weldrick CKOvercoming the obstacles faced by early career researchers in Marine Science: Lessons from the marine ecosystem assessment for the Southern OceanFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Kelly R, Fleming A, Pecl GT, Von Gönner J & Bonn ACitizen science and marine conservation: A global reviewPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences2020Scientific publicationRead More
Bestley S, Ropert-Coudert Y, Bengston Nash S, Brooks CM, Cotté C, Dewar M, Friedlander A, Jackson JA, Labrousse S, Lowther AD, McMahon CR, Phillips RA, Pistorius PA, Puskic PS, de A. Reis, AO, Reisinger RR, Santos, M Tarszisz E, Tixier P, Trathan PN, Wege M & Wienecke BMarine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean: birds and marine mammalsFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment2020Scientific publicationRead More
Pethybridge HR, Fulton EA, Hobday AJ, Blanchard J, Bulman CM, Butler IR, Cheung WWL, Dutra LXC, Gorton R, Hutton T, Matear R, Lozano-montes H, Plagányi EE, Villanueva C, Zhang X, Pennino MG & Shannon LJContrasting futures for Australia’s fisheries stocks under IPCC RCP8. 5 emissions – a multi-ecosystem model approachFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Gonçalves LR, Fidelman P, Turra A & Young OThe dynamics of multiscale institutional complexes: the case of the São Paulo macrometropolitan regionEnvironmental Management2020Scientific publicationRead More
Frainer A, Mustonen T, Hugu S, Andreeva T, Arttijeff E-M, Arttijefff I-S, Brizoelag F, Coelho-de-Souzah G, Biehl Printes R, Prokhorovac E, Sambouj S, Schererk A, Shadrine V & Pecl GOpinion: Cultural and linguistic diversities are underappreciated pillars of biodiversityPNAS2020Scientific publicationRead More
Uffman-Kirsch LB, Richardson BJ & van Putten EIA new paradigm for social license as a path to marine sustainabilityFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment2020Scientific publicationRead More
Garmestani A, Twidwell D, Angeler DG, Sundstrom S, Barichievy C, Chaffin BC, Eason T, Graham N, Granholm D, Gunderson L, Knutson M, Nash KL, Nelson RJ, Nystrom M, Spanbauer TL, Stow CA & Allen CR 2020Panarchy: opportunities and challenges for ecosystem managementFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment2020Scientific publicationRead More
Mackay M, Hardesty BD & Wilcox CThe intersection between illegal fishing, crimes at sea, and social well-beingFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Mackay M, van Putten EI, Yamazaki S, Jennings S & Sibly HMe and my behavior: an experiment on individual characteristics and compliance behavior in recreational fishingFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Haas B, Haward M, McGee J & Fleming ARegional fisheries management organizations and the new biodiversity agreement: Challenge or opportunity?Fish and Fisheries,2020Scientific publicationRead More
Ogier E, Jennings S, Fowler A, Frusher S, Gardner C, Hamer P, Hobday AJ, Linanne A, Mayfield S, Mundy C, Sullivan A, Tuck G, Ward T & Pecl GResponding to climate change: Participatory evaluation of adaptation options for key marine fisheries in Australia’s South EastFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Nash KL, Blythe JL, Cvitanovic C, Fulton E, Halpern BS, Milner-Gulland EJ, Addison PFE, Pecl G, Watson RA & Blanchard JTo achieve a sustainable blue future, progress assessments must include interdependencies between the Sustainable Development GoalsOne Earth2020Scientific publicationRead More
Kelly R, Nettlefold J, Mossop D, Bettiol S, Corney S, Cullen-Knox C, Fleming A, Leith P, Melbourne-Thomas J , Ogier E, van Putten EI & Pecl GLet’s Talk about Climate Change: Developing Effective Conversations between Scientists and CommunitiesOne Earth2020Scientific publicationRead More
Eddy TD, Bernhardt JR, Blanchard J, Cheung WWL, Colléter M, Pontavice H, Fulton E, Gascuel D, Kearney KA, Petrik CM, Roy T, Rykaczewski RR, Selden R, Stock CA, Wabnitz CCC & Watson RAEnergy Flow Through Marine Ecosystems: Confronting Transfer EfficiencyTrends in Ecology & Evolution2020Scientific publicationRead More
Haward MGoverning Oceans in a Time of Change Fishing for the Future?2020BookRead More
Kuempel CD, Frazier M, Nash KL, Jacobsen NS, Williams DR, Blanchard J, Cottrell RS, Mcintyre PB, Moran D & Bouwman LIntegrating Life Cycle and Impact Assessments to Map Food’s Cumulative Environmental FootprintOne Earth2020Scientific publicationRead More
Hedge P, van Putten EI, Hunter C, Fischer M & Harcourt RPerceptions, Motivations and Practices for Indigenous Engagement in Marine Science in AustraliaFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Wisz MS, Satterthwaite E V, Fudge M, Fischer M, Polejack A, John MS, Fletcher S & Rudd MA100 Opportunities for More Inclusive Ocean Research: Cross-Disciplinary Research Questions for Sustainable Ocean Governance and ManagementFrontiers in Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Twiname S, Audzijonyte A, Blanchard J, Champion C, de la Chesnais T, Fitzgibbon QP, Fogarty HE, Hobday AJ, Kelly R, Murphy KJ, Oellermann M, Peinado P, Tracey S, Villanueva C, Wolfe B & Pecl GA cross-scale framework to support a mechanistic understanding and modelling of marine climate-driven species redistribution, from individuals to communitiesEcography2020Scientific publicationRead More
Ogar E, Pecl G & Mustonen TCommentary Science Must Embrace Traditional and Indigenous Knowledge to Solve Our Biodiversity CrisisOne Earth2020Scientific publicationRead More
Nettlefold J & Pecl GEngaged Journalism and Climate Change: Lessons From an Audience-led, Locally Focused Australian CollaborationJournalism Practice2020Scientific publicationRead More
Kelly R, Fleming A, Mackay M, García C & Pecl GSocial licence for marine protected areasMarine Policy2020Scientific publicationRead More
Hobday AJ, Browman HI & Bograd SJPublishing and peer reviewing as indicators of the impact of COVID-19 on the productivity of the aquatic science communityICES Journal of Marine Science2020Scientific publicationRead More
Haas B, Haward M, McGee J & Fleming AExplicit targets and cooperation: regional fisheries management organizations and the sustainable development goalsInternational Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics2020Scientific publicationRead More
Cvitanovic C, Colvin RM, Reynolds KJ & Platow MJApplying an Organizational Psychology Model for Developing Shared Goals in Interdisciplinary Research TeamsOne Earth2020Scientific publicationRead More
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