CMS Seminar: Emma Church

Event Date: 6 March, 2024
Start time: 11:00 am

Title: The Ocean and Me: A Personal Dive into Marine Socioecology

Summary: Emma will take you on her journey into marine socioecology, how her initial interactions with the ocean sparked her interest and influenced her career path. Emma will share insights from her own research experiences, the challenges and achievements that come with working in marine socioecology.

Bio: Emma Church, a Research Fellow at the University of Tasmania, focuses on Great Southern Reef Socioecology. Influenced by her coastal upbringing and experiences as a surfer and diver, she has pursued a career in marine socioecology. Emma's work involves developing strategies for environmental stewardship and conservation communication, engaging with industries, governments, and communities. She has a background in water management, biodiversity conservation, and has collaborated on projects with the Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist and CSIRO. Currently, she leads a project on the socioecology of the Great Southern Reef, aiming to enhance community awareness and conservation efforts for this extensive marine ecosystem.

University of TasmaniaInstitute of Marine and Antarctic StudiesCSIRO Department of the EnvironmentGEOS
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