CMS Webinar: Anticipatory Ecology Meets Speculative Design

Event Date: 2 May, 2022


What happens, if two species that have never interacted before are now going to encounter due to anthropocentrically changed climatic circumstances? Our history of anthropogenic impact on biological processes provokes shifts in global animal movement patterns. This creates novel species interactions, as species that have evolved in isolation from one another come into contact for the first time. Building on empirical data of documented species range shifts the investigations draft scenarios of species encounters and envision possible consequences for our human lives and systems through the lens of Speculative Design to visualize the entanglements of the planet ́ s ecosystems with human-made structures.

A momentum of consequences is being generated that in turn deeply impacts all aspects of human life on Earth. Affecting the very architecture of our human systems we are prompted to take action, reaching from rethinking systems of trade to turning over human healthcare to restructuring our societies and shared spaces.

This talk features the project “First Encounters“ - a multimedia walk-in installation – as well as the recently founded platform “The Encounters Lab“, displaying a crossdisciplinary approach to communicating scientific data through means of visual storytelling, turning empirical facts into emotional realities.

Sophie Falkeis is a multidisciplinary designer from Vienna, Austria, and Alumna from the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Her work investigates evolutionary mechanisms under anthropocentric influence by envisioning future scenarios of multi-species cohabitation.

Her work has been exhibited including the London Design Biennale, Vienna Design Biennale, Dutch Design Week, MAK Museum Vienna, Vienna Design Week and has been featured in the New York Times. She has previously worked at Iris van Herpen Couture in Amsterdam and was a research fellow at Terreform One in New York. She has been a speaker at international conferences such as PRIMER21 Global San Francisco and DDW Talks Eco Pioneers. She has been awarded a START-Stipendium by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts & Culture, and the Planet Love Prize by the Vienna Business Agency.

When: 2 May 2022, from 4 to 5 pm.

Where: Online, please register at by 28 April 2022

Find webinar recording here

University of TasmaniaInstitute of Marine and Antarctic StudiesCSIRO Department of the EnvironmentGEOS
© copyright Centre for Marine Socioecology 2025
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