Webinar: “Beyond GDP: Toward a Sustainable Wellbeing”, by Ida Kubiszewski

Event Date: 7 September, 2022

In this talk, I will briefly discuss the problems with our current measures of progress.  Most of the talk will focus on the alternatives that are being considered around the world.  I'll go into more detail about some of the more popular indicators to see what the benefits, and potential problems, are with using them to measure progress.  These include the Genuine Progress Indicator and Life Satisfaction, which are two that have been extensively used in various forms.  I'll also spend some time on the SDGs to see how well they are being used to measure national progress and how well they are succeeding. Finally, I'll offer suggestions for the future of integrated, multiscale wellbeing indicators and their importance in creating a sustainable wellbeing future for humans and the rest of nature.

Bio: Dr. Ida Kubiszewski is an Associate Professor at Institute for Global Prosperity University College London and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the College of Business and Economics, UTAS. She is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). In 2021, Ida was the CEO of ag-tech start-up called Downforce Technologies Limited (https://www.ecobalance.io/). EcoBalance uses remote sensing data to measure and account for the true value of natural capital on land. She was also a climate change negotiator for the Dominican Republic, following adaptation and loss & damage. She was a delegate at the 19th through 21st Conference of Parties. Ida is an author, or co-author, of over 70 scientific papers and co-authored or co-edited six books. Her editorial work includes an Associate Editor of magazine/journal hybrid called Solutions. She sits on the editorial boards or advisory boards of various journals, including Ecosystem Services, Anthropocene Review, Energies, and PeerJ. Ida is also a full member of the Club of Rome (https://www.clubofrome.org/) and the Balaton Group (https://www.balatongroup.org/).

When: 7th September at 4pm.

Where: online via zoom, please contact cms.admin@utas.edu.au to receive zoom link.

Organised by CMS, the Collage of Business & Economics and the Institute for Social Change, from the University of Tasmania.

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