Wading through the data: identifying barriers to reducing plastics use among Tasmanians

Project Status: 

Plastic pollution is ubiquitous in terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal/marine ecosystems, and can be generated at the land or ocean depending on anthropogenic activities. This interdisciplinary season welcomes contributions on source, sink and management of all size plastics (i.e., macro-, micro- and nanoplastics) at the catchment-to-coast continuum. We will consider recent advances in the observational, laboratory, and modelling of plastics; novel monitoring methods and strategies for plastic waste; the fate and transport of plastics; and eco-toxicological effects of plastic and plastic-bound other contaminants within the environmental compartments. Plastic management (at source) and plastic recovery from the environment (like from the coast and ocean) from technological, economic, social and policy perspectives will receive attention. Research related to, but not explicitly listed above, may also be considered.

University of TasmaniaInstitute of Marine and Antarctic StudiesCSIRO Department of the EnvironmentGEOS
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