Congratulations to CMS’s most recent PhD graduate Dr Hannah Fogarty for her PhD on "Climate ready: identifying adaptation preparedness in Australia’s State fisheries", supervised by Prof Gretta Pecl, Dr Alistair Hobday and Dr Chris Cvitanovic.
Congratulations to CMS’s most recent PhD graduate Dr Hannah Fogarty for her PhD on "Climate ready: identifying adaptation preparedness in Australia’s State fisheries", supervised by Prof Gretta Pecl, Dr Alistair Hobday and Dr Chris Cvitanovic.
CMS Director Prof Gretta Pecl contributed to the Forward section of this recently released report led by Prof Nathalie Pettorelli. Find report here
Prof Gretta Pecl and Mibu Fischer were interviewed in this 3CR Radio episode about climate change and the Indigenous perspectives piece on the future of the ocean as part of the Future Seas project. Find episode here.
Today, to mark the start of COP26 UN climate summit in Glasgow, University of Tasmania climate researchers are launching an unprecedented online resource on climate change for young people in Tasmania. As part of the Curious Climate Schools project, one thousand school students worked with their classes to come up with their top 273 questions […]
Prof Gretta Pecl opened the Climate Week at Huonville High, organised by their Zayed Sustainability Team. Prof Pecl talked about how the IPCC process worked and then made bike powered donuts! These amazing youth leaders have a whole week of climate action activities planned!
Sincere congratulations to Prof Julia Blanchard for her successful ARC Future Fellowship application with the project "Bridging the land–sea divide to ensure food security under climate change"!! This project aims to comprehensively evaluate ocean-based food solutions to meet food security needs under climate change. It will resolve a critical blind spot in current plans that […]
Prof Gretta Pecl was a panellist at the roundtable discussion session on "Marine environment and marine ecology protection, marine sustainable development". The online symposium was attended by more than 10,000 people along the day. About the event: The first "China-Japan High-level Expert Symposium on Marine Environment " focused on recent advances in the fields of […]
2020 PEW Marine Fellow Asta Audzijonyte
Over the next two weeks Tasmanians can have their most pressing climate change questions answered through a new collaborative science and journalism initiative called Curious Climate Tasmania. Launched today, the project is led by the University’s Centre for Marine Socioecology (CMS) in collaboration with the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), the Tasmanian Institute […]