Professor Greg Smith

Debbi Delaney

IMAS, University of Tasmania

PhD Student
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Deb brings to her PhD in excess of 20 years' experience working within the Natural Resource Management sector with a focus on coastal and catchment management.  Her experience extends across all levels of government, as well as non-government organisations across south-eastern Australia.  As a King Island local, with a deep passion for our marine environment Deb's research will reconstruct climate-driven ecological, social and sector change in Tasmania’s Marine Plant (Durvillaea potatorum) Fishery since 1975 using a mixed methods historical ecology approach.  This project creates a unique three-year opportunity to work in collaboration with the fishery, to access historical harvester data and knowledge, and calibrate harvest records with on-ground changes within the seaweed industry. This information will be critical to understanding the sustainability, trajectory and adaptive capacity of the fishery and bull kelp into the future.

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