Title: Thinking about the future of food
When: 3pm-4:30pm (AEST), Wed 6th Dec 2023
Registration & more information: Webinar: Thinking About the Future of Food (blueeconomycrc.com.au)
This webinar brings together several international experts on food to provide a range of ideas about the future of food from international, national and local perspectives.
Each speed-presentation aims to be dynamic and thought-provoking, we hope this will inform our understanding about food and seafood production.
The webinar will be facilitated by Prof Chris Carter and presentations will be followed by Q&A.
Presentation 1: Brief Introduction presented by Prof Chris Carter, Blue Economy CRC / IMAS / UTAS
Presentation 2: Exploring future nutrient needs presented by Dr Andrew Fletcher, Sustainable Nutrition Initiative – Riddet Institute
Presentation 3: Coping with complex seafood futures, one byte at a time presented by Dr Beth Fulton, CSIRO
Presentation 4: Future of fish supply under climate change presented by Prof Julia Blanchard, IMAS / UTAS
Presentation 5: Identifying management actions for a food-based approach to fisheries and aquaculture presented by Dr Anna Farmery, ANCORS, UOW
Presentation 6: Sustainably feeding our blue food presented by Dr Richard Cottrell, IMAS/UTAS
Presentation 7: Systems approach driven by theory of change applied to terrestrial systems presented by Prof Duncan Cameron, University of Manchester
Presentation 8: Centre for Food Safety and Innovation (CFSI) – future prospects in food-related research and development in Tasmania presented by Prof John Bowman, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture / UTAS