Professor Greg Smith

Dr Maree Fudge

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Research Fellow
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Dr. Maree Fudge graduated with her PhD in marine governance in April 2020. She is a Research Fellow in the IMAS Fisheries and Aquaculture Human Dimensions Team and associate CMS social researcher. Her work is focused on the political and policy aspects of marine and coastal social-ecological systems and her research interests include marine, coastal and integrated resources policy and governance; commons governance; and knowledge production and the science-policy-community interface.

Before joining the University of Tasmania, Maree was a consultant and director of her co-owned Tasmanian consulting company RDS Partners P/L focusing on social research and evaluation for executive teams, institutional and organisational development, community and stakeholder engagement and community development. Maree undertook her doctoral studies at the University of Tasmania where she examined the civil participation and democratic process in marine governance using marine social-ecological systems in Tasmania, Australia and New Brunswick, Canada as comparative case studies.

University of TasmaniaInstitute of Marine and Antarctic StudiesCSIRO Department of the EnvironmentGEOS
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