Beth Fulton is a Principal Research Scientist with CSIRO and has been with CMS from the start. She has a background in mathematics and ecology and has spent more than 2 decades developing various system modelling tools for looking at marine ecosystems and sustainability.
The common theme to Beth’s work has been on developing system-scale decision support tools to help advance sustainable management of potentially competing uses of marine environments. Beth is also really interested in supporting adaptation to global change.
Her interest in the oceans is reflected in this short animation.
Beth has more than 170 peer reviewed publications, has contributed to IPCC and IPBES reports; and is a highly cited researcher in her field. Beth’s contribution to marine resource management and science have been recognised with numerous awards, including the Beverton Medal (2020) and Kay Radway Allen award (2019) for lifelong and outstanding contributions to fisheries science; biennial medal of the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (2017); Ecological Society of America Sustainability Science Award (2011); a Pew Marine Conservation Fellowship (2010-2014); and the 2007 Australian Science Minister’s Prize for Life Scientist of the Year.
Selected publications: