CMS Alumni

CMS alumni are CMS students who have finished their degrees. Many are employed in different roles in academia, government and industry, but some are now early career researchers affiliated to the centre.

Angela Abolhassani

Ocean Nexus Center, University of Washington

Research Fellow

Anne Boothroyd

Geography & Spatial Sciences, University of Tasmania

PhD Student

Dr Larelle Bossi

IMAS, School of Humanities, University of Tasmania


Florence Briton

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Dr Corrine Condie


CERC Fellow

Dr Richard Cottrell

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Research Fellow

Coco Cullen-Knox

School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania

Dr Olivia Dove


Climate Research Officer at the University of Tasmania for the National Environmental Science Program (in the Climate Systems Hub)

Dr Hannah Fogarty

IMAS, University of Tasmania

CMS Executive Support Officer

Dr Maree Fudge

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Research Fellow

Dr Lynda Goldsworthy

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Research Fellow

Dr Catarina Serra Goncalves

University of Western Australia

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dean Greeno

Riawunna Centre for Aboriginal Education, University of Tasmania

Associate Lecturer

Bianca Haas

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Emma Hamasaki

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Early career science communicator

Sheryl Hamilton

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Dr Linda Hunt

University of Tasmania

Lecturer in Media and Communication

Dr Malcolm Johnson

Huon Valley Council, University of Tasmania

Manager Environmental Sustainability

Dr Denis Karcher

Australian National University

Dr Rachel Kelly

IMAS, University of Tasmania

CMS Knowledge Broker

Dr Mary Mackay

NRE Tasmania

Community Engagement Specialist - Recreational Fishing

Julian Manning

IMAS, University of Tasmania

PhD Student

Dr Clare Pitt

School of Psychological Sciences, University of Tasmania

Graduate Teaching Fellow

Kelsey Richardson


PhD student

Dr Yannick Rousseau

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Postdoctoral Researcher

Lynna Cortes Rueda

IMAS, School of Law, University of Tasmania


Dr Carla Sbrocchi

University of Technology Sydney

Danielle Smith

IMAS, University of Tasmania

PhD Student

Dr Elisavet Spanou

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Research Fellow

Dr Joseph Wenta

Newcastle Law School (NSW)


Dr Kathryn Willis


Research Fellow

Eloise Wilson

IMAS, University of Tasmania

Masters Student

Brigette Wright

IMAS, University of Tasmania

PhD Student; CMS Student Representative
University of TasmaniaInstitute of Marine and Antarctic StudiesCSIRO Department of the EnvironmentGEOS
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